Pregnant? Concerned About Opioid Use? Poster

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Pregnant? Concerned About Opioid Use?

Provides information and resources to seek treatment.

Author: National Institute on Drug Abuse

Download PDF: poster_tall_final3_small.pdf (140.21 KB)

Caring for the well-being of our children is our traditional way. Using opioids (e.g., prescription pain pills, heroin, fentanyl) without a medical provider’s guidance during pregnancy can have devastating effects on the baby. Learn of ways to have a safe and healthy baby. For more information please see - Treating Opioid Use Disorder During Pregnancy (Policy Brief).

There is help. If you would like help ask your primary care provider or call a local substance use disorder treatment program. For more information please see - Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) (SAMHSA).

For more information on how to find help visit:
