The brain is made up of different regions that are connected and work together to control different functions like memory and motor skills.
THC, a chemical found in cannabis, attaches to receptors in many parts of the brain. THC interferes with normal functioning within brain regions and communication between different areas. As a result, THC can impact a person’s body and behavior in many different ways.
Click on the different areas of the brain to learn more.
The limbic system is a collection of
brain structures deep within the brain
that is involved in memory and
emotion processing. The amygdala and
hippocampus are two of the key structures.
The brain stem is in charge of the
functions our body needs to stay
alive—breathing, heart rate, and
digesting food. It links the brain with the
spinal cord, which runs down the back and
moves muscles and limbs. It also lets the brain know
what’s happening to the body.
Located at the back of the brain, the
cerebellum is involved in the fine-
tuning of motor skills, such as balance
and coordination, and plays an
important role in the perception of time.
The cerebrum is the large, mushroom-
shaped part of the brain. In humans, it
is so big that it makes up about three-
fourths of the entire brain. The
cerebrum powers our ability to think, plan,
solve problems, and make decisions. It also
processes information from our senses, allowing
us to see, feel, hear, and taste.
The basal ganglia are a group of
structures deep within the brain that
are strongly interconnected with other
brain areas and involved in many
processes, including motor function,
cognition, and emotion. The basal ganglia also play an
important role in regulating how the brain processes
reward and reinforcement.
Some people are prescribed medications
made from purified or synthetic
(artificially made) cannabinoids,
compounds found in cannabis. For
example, purified CBD is approved by the FDA to
treat some severe seizure disorders, and synthetic
THC is approved to treat nausea associated with
chemotherapy. These medicines are rigorously
tested for their safety and effectiveness before they
are approved for use in the United States.