14th InWomen’s Conference Call for Abstracts

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InWomen’s will offer both an in-person and a virtual hybrid option to stream select sessions. To attend the in-person meeting, per hotel venue guidelines, all attendees must show proof of fully vaccinated status, as defined at the time of the conference.  

Travel Awards - A select number of travel awards redeemable via check or wire transfer post-conference, or via direct travel booking, will be offered to new and early-career individuals with outstanding abstracts that adhere to the abstract guidelines and the InWomen's mission, vision, and 2022 conference theme. Award priority will be given to individuals who have not received an InWomen's travel award within the past 5 years and whose abstracts address a critical or timely global issue. 

Oral Presentations - Abstract applicants interested in giving an oral version of their abstract in Panel II may apply for consideration during the abstract submission process.  

Abstract submissions, Panel II oral presentation, and travel award applications are due January 31, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. 
For more information go to https://inwomenhealth.wordpress.com/