Director's Videos

Winners of the I Strengthen My Nation Challenge competition

Video length: 9:59

Winners of the I Strengthen My Nation Challenge competition

This video showcases the winners of the I Strengthen My Nation Challenge competition, a collaboration between the National Institutes on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and We R Native.
A Conversation About Drug Use and Addiction for American Indians and Alaska Natives

Video length: 20:39

A Conversation About Drug Use and Addiction for American Indians and Alaska Natives

Dr. David R. Wilson, director of the NIH Tribal Health Research Office, and Dr. Nora D. Volkow, director of the NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse, discuss the latest research on drug use and addiction for American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
Dr. Volkow Explains the Basics of Drugs & Addiction

Video length: 3:53

Dr. Volkow Explains the Basics of Drugs & Addiction

Dr. Nora Volkow, Director of NIDA, answers common questions about drugs, addiction, where to find more information about the health effects of different types of drugs and where to get help.