Research Training and Career Development Newsletter, March 2020

The NIH Family Friendly Initiatives are a series of programs that help support researchers who need to take time off when they experience a personal disability or have to care for a family member. These programs provide ways to extend your Early Stage Investigator status during qualifying life events (NOT-OD-09-034), provide guidelines for how to include descriptions of these personal circumstances in your biosketch to explain periods of reduced productivity (NOT-OD-11-045 and NOT-OD-11-050), and provide support to allow individuals an opportunity to enhance their skills and knowledge once they return to work full-time (PA-18-592).

Two of the most recent additions to NIH Family Friendly Initiatives provide opportunities to apply for administrative supplements that provide up to $50,000 plus indirect costs for a maximum of one year for Mentored Career Development Awardees (NOT-OD-20-054) or for First-Time Recipients of NIH Research Project Grants (NOT-OD-20-055) who experience a qualifying life event to help them return to full productivity and accomplish their research and career development goals. NIDA has signed onto these important programs to help support talented early career investigators when they have to take time off for disability, child birth or adoption, or care for a partner, spouse, or member of the immediate family during periods of extended illness.  Each supplement program describes a series of criteria that must be included in your application for fair consideration. NIDA-funded applicants should consider the following information when applying to these programs:

  • NIDA will accept supplement applications for these programs on a continuous basis and will require 12 weeks for evaluation and funding decisions. Applications received after August 1 may be considered for funding in the next fiscal year.
  • The qualifying life event must be current or have occurred within one year of the supplement application submission date. Applicants may apply in advance for qualifying life events that are imminent. 
  • Eligible applicants must have at least six months remaining during the active project period by the supplement application submission date.
  • Requests cannot be made for awards that are in a no-cost extension.
  • Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss how the qualifying life event is preventing them or would likely prevent them from completing study aims and/or career development goals and to provide justification for how supplemental support will help them to achieve their objectives/goals and advance their career. Please include the date(s) of the qualifying life event in this discussion.
  • Supplement requests must be within the scope of the parent grant.
  • Applications should include a letter signed by the Institutional Business Official certifying the PI’s eligibility for the supplement award and a description of institutional support.
  • Only one supplement request will be considered for each eligible award.

If you are interested in applying to NOT-OD-20-054 or NOT-OD-20-066 and have questions, please send us an email at We can help you understand the program requirements and determine if you are eligible to apply.

Did You Know?

  • All eRA modules will be unavailable from 8:00 AM April 17 to 8:00 PM April 20. The downtime will allow for eRA modules and data to be migrated to the Amazon Web Services cloud.   This effort will affect all the eRA modules (eRA Commons, ASSIST, IAR, iEdison, etc.) and informational websites (, etc.). Any application due dates affected by this migration will be extended, and the 2-day viewing window for successfully submitted applications will be adjusted to provide the full two days.
  • Searching for Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs) in the NIH Guide just became easier. NOSIs highlight scientific areas of special interest that refer to specific funding opportunity announcements that applicants can use to apply. Now NOSIs can be more easily located in the NIH Guide by using the “Type of Funding Opportunities” filter located on the left of the screen.
  • Attend the NIDA Grant Writing & Career Development Workshop this June at the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD). This workshop is designed for predoctoral students to early stage investigators. Topics include funding opportunities, NIDA/NIH research priorities, grantsmanship, the peer review process, and career development tips. Those interested in meeting with NIH staff and improving their grant writing are encouraged to register here. NIDA and CPDD are also hosting a networking event on Sunday, June 21, 2020, at 6:00 pm at The Diplomat – we hope you will join us. Stay tuned for more information.
  • CSR is seeking your input about how to simplify review criteria – The NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR) has convened a working group charged with recommending changes to the review criteria to both improve the process and reduce reviewer burden. The working group is focusing on R01 review criteria now and welcomes your thoughts. Read the full article here to learn about the types of information they are seeking and send your comments to or
  • Administrative supplements to expand research to include issues of importance to women’s health in IDeA states - This administrative supplement program aims to increase research specifically directed at women’s health and health disparities and to expand the capacity of IDeA states to conduct women’s health research. Eligible applicants include those who have received a COBRE, INBRE, or IDeA-CTR award. Only one supplement request per award will be accepted, the award must have a project end date of FY 2021 or later, and must not be in a no cost extension. Application due date is April 30, 2020. Please see NOT-GM-20-017 for more information.
  • NIH Regional Seminars are great opportunities to learn more about the NIH grant process and are especially useful for applicants new to the NIH. The Spring 2020 NIH Regional Seminar will take place April 20-22 in Baltimore MD. Topics covered include but are not limited to grant writing, budget basics, clinical trials, loan repayment, research integrity, research training/fellowships, career development awards, and small business (SBIR/STTR) programs. NIH staff will be on site to answer questions about any stage of the application process in both seminars and 1:1 sessions. This is an excellent opportunity to learn the ins and outs of applying for NIH grants, especially for those new to the process. Registration is now open. 

Policy and Program Updates

  • NIH seeks your input on the 2021-2025 NIH-wide Strategic Plan. NIH’s mission to support the pursuit of fundamental knowledge about living systems and apply that knowledge to enhance health and reduce illness and disability is one that touches us all. The NIH Strategic plan details the approach the agency will take to achieve this mission while ensuring good stewardship of taxpayer funds. This Request for Information invites your feedback to help shape this important mission for the next five years.

  • Request for Information (RFI): Scientific Priorities for Behavioral and Social Science Research at NIH. The Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) coordinates and promotes behavioral and social sciences research across all NIH Institutes and Centers. OBSSR would like input on the most important or cutting-edge, trans-disease research directions that would accelerate progress across these areas: Synergy in Basic and Applied BSSR, BSSR Resources, Methods, Measures, and Adoption of Effective BSSR in Practice. Further information can be found in the Request for Information and responses can be submitted through the OBSSR IdeaScale website until March 29, 2020.

Funding Opportunities

For a full list of training, fellowship, career development, and research education funding opportunities, including parent announcements, please see the NIH Research Training and Career Development webpage.

Predoctoral Training

  • Jointly Sponsored Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Institutional Predoctoral Training Program in the Neurosciences (T32 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-20-076
  • Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (F31-Diversity) PA-19-196
  • NIH Blueprint Diversity Specialized Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Advancement in Neuroscience (D-SPAN) Award (F99/K00) RFA-NS-19-011
  • Drug Abuse Dissertation Research (R36) PA-16-443

Postdoctoral Training

  • Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)  PAR-19-343
  • BRAIN Initiative Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00 Clinical Trial Required) RFA-19-044
  • BRAIN Initiative Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-19-043
  • Pathway to Independence Award in Tobacco Regulatory Research (K99/R00  - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-OD-20-009
  • Pathway to Independence Award in Tobacco Regulatory Research (K99/R00  - Independent Clinical Trial  Required) RFA-OD-20-010
  • BRAIN Initiative Fellows: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (F32) RFA-MH-18-510

Career Development

  • Mentored Research Scientist Career Development Award in Tobacco Regulatory Research (K01 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-OD-20-008
  • Mentored Research Scientist Career Development Award in Tobacco Regulatory Research (K01 -  Independent Clinical Trial Required) RFA-OD-20-011
  • Notice of NIDA Participation in PAR-20-039, Support of Competitive Research (SCORE) Research Advancement Award (SC1 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) NOT-DA-20-025
  • Notice of NIDA Participation in PAR-20-040, Support of Competitive Research (SCORE) Pilot Project Award (SC2 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) NOT-DA-20-026
  • Notice of Special Interest: Administrative Supplements for Research on Sex/Gender Influences (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional) NOT-OD-20-049
  • Notice of Special Interest for Administrative Supplements for Research on Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Populations (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional) NOT-OD-20-032 
    Applications in response to this NOSI must be submitted using PA-18-591
  • Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) for Administrative and Revision Supplements to Expand Vaping Research and Understand EVALI NOT-HL-19-724  Applications in response to this NOSI must be submitted using PA-18-591 or PA-18-935
  • Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) for Administrative Supplements to Support Research on Bioethical Issues NOT-OD-20-038 Applications in response to this NOSI must be submitted using  PA-19-217 or PA-18-591
  • Short-term Mentored Career Enhancement Awards in Mobile and Wireless Health Technology and Data Analytics: Cross-Training at the intersection of Behavioral and Social Sciences and STEM Disciplines (K18 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-18-881
  • Short-term Mentored Career Enhancement Awards in Mobile and Wireless Health Technology and Data Analytics: Cross-Training at the intersection of Behavioral and Social Sciences and STEM Disciplines (K18 Independent Clinical Trial Required) PAR-18-882
  • NIDA Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Program Award in Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder Research (K12 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-18-746

Research Education

  • NIDA Research Education Program for Clinical Researchers and Clinicians (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-19-258
  • Providing Research Education Experiences to Enhance Diversity in the Next Generation of Substance Abuse and Addiction Scientists (R25 - Clinical Trials Not Allowed) PAR-19-246
  • Alcohol and Other Substance Use Research Education Programs for Health Professionals (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-19-207
  • Summer Research Education Experience Program (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-19-197

Upcoming Events

  • NIMHD’s 10th Anniversary Scientific Symposium: Innovations to Promote Health Equity 
    March 3, 2020 
    Bethesda, MD 

    This symposium will showcase the latest discoveries in minority health and health disparities research. Leading researchers investigating maternal mortality, medication ineffectiveness, diet-related cancers, and other salient topics will explore current knowledge about the determinants of health and their impact on minority health and health disparities. This symposium will provide new insights about the impact and direction of NIMHD, dynamic discussions, and a look toward the future. Watch the NIH Videocast.

    NIMHD 10 year logoNIMHD
  • Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) 
    March 11-14, 2020 
    New Orleans, LA 

    SRNT’s Annual Meeting provides an opportunity for attendees of all experience levels to participate in a professional program devoted to research and practice in the field of nicotine and tobacco research. The Annual Meeting includes an education-based scientific program which ensures attendees stay current with the latest research in areas including Preclinical, Clinical, Public Health/Epidemiology, Policy, Regulatory Science, Health Disparities, and Global Health. The SRNT Annual Meeting consists of topical network meetings, keynote and plenary addresses, paper sessions, symposia, scientific poster sessions, receptions, and satellite meetings. Registration and meeting details can be found at
  • American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (ASCPT) 
    March 18-21, 2020 
    Houston, TX 

    ASCPT convenes professionals whose primary interest is to advance the science and practice of clinical pharmacology and translational medicine for the therapeutic benefit of patients and society. The meeting serves as a platform to discuss efforts including research, exchange of scientific information, and awareness of legislative requirements that affect drug development and regulation. Registration and meeting details can be found at
  • Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) 
    April 1-4, 2020 
    San Francisco, CA 

    SBM's annual meeting and scientific sessions provide an opportunity for attendees to participate in a professional program devoted to research and practice in the field of behavioral medicine. Students, researchers, clinicians, and professionals in any career seeking to improve the health and well-being of others can find educational sessions and networking opportunities that fit their needs.
  • Midwest Regional Workshop on Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM)-Related Health Research 
    April 2, 2020 
    Columbus, OH 

    The workshop will take place in collaboration with Equitas Health Institute, the Ohio State University (OSU) College of Public Health, OSU Infectious Diseases Institute, and OSU Institute for Population Research, at the Fawcett Center in Columbus, OH. The goals of the workshop are to increase understanding of the NIH structure and processes, encourage mentoring relationships within the extramural research community, enhance capacity to conduct SGM research, and provide researchers with the opportunity to interact with NIH staff and established researchers in SGM health. Students, postdocs, and new investigators interested in SGM health research are encouraged to attend this workshop; however, space is limited, so attendees are encouraged to register early. Deadline to register is March 20, 2020 at 5PM ET or until space is full.
  • American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) 
    April 2-5, 2020 
    Denver, CO 

    Healthcare professionals dedicated to increasing access and improving the quality of addiction treatment and care are invited to explore new topics and discover new ideas at this annual conference on addiction medicine. Participants can learn of the latest science, research, and innovations in addiction medicine. 
  • Translational Science Meeting 
    April 14-17, 2020 
    Washington, DC 

    This meeting features sessions focused on clinical and translational research across academic, industry, community, and federal environments. The Translational Science Meeting is attended by a wide array of clinical and translational researchers, including junior clinician-scientists, who are given an opportunity to collaborate with federal training partners (NIH, FDA, AHRG, VA and PCORI), academic leaders, and special interest groups (SIGs) at unique networking events. Additionally, participants are given an opportunity to discuss funding for medical research during visits with state representatives and senators.
  • NIH Regional Seminar 
    April 20-22, 2020 
    Baltimore, MD 

    The NIH Regional Seminar is intended to demystify the grant application and review process, clarify federal regulations and policies, and highlight current areas of special interest or concern by providing an opportunity for participants to meet directly with NIH policy officials, grants management, program and review staff, representatives from the HHS Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), HHS Office of the Inspector General (OIG), and others. The seminar is appropriate for those who are new to the NIH grants process including administrators, early stage investigators, researchers, graduate students, and others, and provides updates about changes to NIH programs and policies that are valuable for experienced applicants and administrators. Registration and meeting details can be found at
  • American Psychiatric Association (APA) 
    April 25-29, 2020 
    Philadelphia, PA 

    APA's Annual Meeting is educationally driven and designed for all mental health professionals and advocates, including practicing, administrative, and consultative psychiatrists; researchers and educators of psychiatry; residents; and students who work in a private hospital, state mental health facility, correctional setting, or private practice. The theme for this year's Annual Meeting, "Advancing Quality: Challenges and Opportunities," focuses on the importance and timeliness of quality in medical care. Registration and meeting details can be found at
  • 6th Annual BRAIN Initiative Investigators Meeting 
    June 1-3, 2020 
    Arlington, VA 

    The BRAIN Initiative Meeting will convene awardees, staff, and leadership from the contributing federal agencies (NIH, NSF, DARPA, IARPA, and FDA), plus representatives and investigators from participating non-federal organizations and members of the media, public, and Congress. The purpose of this open meeting is to provide a forum for discussing exciting scientific developments and to identify areas for collaboration and research coordination.
  • The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 81st Annual Meeting 
    June 20-24, 2020 
    Hollywood, FL 

    CPDD provides a national and international forum for scientists of diverse backgrounds to advance the understanding of molecular-neurobiological aspects of addictive disorders and, by the application of new scientific knowledge, to improve and develop treatments utilizing novel behavioral and pharmacological therapies. Registration and meeting details can be found at
  • Grant Writing and Career Development Workshop at CPDD 
    June 20, 2020, 1:00 – 5:00 PM 
    Hollywood, FL 

    The 2020 Grant Writing and Career Development Workshop will be held in the Regency Ballroom at The Diplomat during the annual CPDD Meeting. The workshop is designed to orient new research investigators to NIDA, the grant writing process, and provide timely advice about career advancement. The workshop highlights NIDA fellowships, career development awards, and new investigator research grants. Registration information can be found here.