Frequently Asked Questions (and their answers) for NOT-DA-21-041: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) Announcing the Availability of Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus
- Is there a page limit to the research plan section of Administrative Supplement Applications?
The research plan is limited to 6 pages. Applicants are also encouraged to submit a one-page Specific Aims. - Does a title of the supplement have to be the same or different than the parent award?
The title of the supplement must be the same as the parent award. - If an investigator submits an Urgent Competitive Revision, does that have to go back to the original study section for review?
Typically, revision applications are reviewed by the original study section; however, URGENT competitive revision applications will not be peer reviewed in the traditional manner. These applications will receive a scientific evaluation by NIDA staff using criteria noted within the NOSI and the Urgent Competitive Award Revision funding opportunity. Applicants will not receive a score nor summary statement in response to these URGENT submissions, but evaluation outcomes will be placed in the grant folder. - What is the earliest start date?
Given the urgent nature of these requests, NIDA has not set an earliest start date. Rather the investigator should propose a start date that they feel is reasonable and realistic for the work proposed. This NOSI has a rolling submission date. - Which activity codes are eligible for each mechanism?
NIDA has not excluded any mechanisms from this opportunity. That said, mechanisms with funding caps cannot use administrative supplements as a means to circumvent a mechanism with a funding cap. - Will NIDA consider funding a grant funded by another IC?
Yes, NIDA did not exclude active awards funded by other ICs. That said, the research focus of the proposed work must fit within the mission and priorities of NIDA. - How can I apply for funds related to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus if I don’t have an active award? In other words, is there another rapid funding mechanism?
Consider PAR-19-064 Mechanism for Time-Sensitive Drug Abuse Research (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) This funding opportunity will support pilot, feasibility or exploratory research in 5 priority areas in substance use epidemiology and health services, including: 1) responses to sudden and severe emerging drug issues (e.g. the ability to look into a large and sudden spike in opioid or synthetic cannabinoid use/overdoses in a particular community); 2) responses to emerging marijuana trends and topics related to the shifting policy landscape; 3) responses to unexpected and time-sensitive prescription drug abuse research opportunities (e.g., new state or local efforts); 4) responses to unexpected and time-sensitive medical system issues (e.g. opportunities to understand addiction services in the evolving health care system); and 5) responses to unexpected and time-sensitive criminal or juvenile justice opportunities (e.g. new system and/or structural level changes) that relate to drug abuse and access and provision of health care service. It should be clear that the knowledge gained from the proposed study is time-sensitive and that an expedited rapid review and funding are required in order for the scientific question to be answered (i.e. an imminent policy change will not allow for standard review and funding timeline). - What is the review process for administrative supplements and urgent competitive revision applications?
Requests for administrative supplements are reviewed by the program official associated with the parent grant. Following their review, supplements are considered for funding at the division and NIDA levels.
Urgent competitive revision applications will receive a scientific evaluation by NIDA staff (rather than a traditional study section). The scientific evaluation will look at the progress of the parent award, the appropriateness of the proposed expansion of the scope of the project, as well as the qualifications of the PI(s) to conduct the proposed research, the budget and period of support, overall impact, and will address human subjects, animal work, inclusions and biohazards as described in Section V of PA-18-935 . Following their review, revision applications are considered for funding at the division and NIDA levels. Funding recommendations will be based on programmatic priorities as well as the fit of the supplement to the mission of NIDA. - When are Administrative Supplement and Urgent Competitive Revision applications due?
Supplements and revision applications are accepted on a rolling basis until March 31, 2022. - How do I submit an Administrative Supplement or Urgent Competitive Revision applications?
Please see the information in NOT-DA-21-041 under the header “Application and Submission Information.” Of note: For funding consideration, all applicants must designate “NOT-DA-21-041” (without quotation marks) in the Agency Routing Identifier field (Box 4b) of the SF424 (R&R) Form. Applications without this information in Box 4b will not be considered for this initiative. Due, to this requirement, the process for Streamlined Submissions using the eRA Commons cannot be used for this initiative. In addition, all parent awards must be active at the time of submission (not be in an NCE). - Are there designated funds available for this?
NIDA has not set aside designated funds for this NOSI. That said, NIDA issued this NOSI as we are especially interested in research collecting and examining data on the risks and outcomes for COVID-19 infection in individuals suffering from substance use disorders. - Is there an advantage to submitting earlier than later?
All eligible requests will be reviewed and will be considered for funding regardless of when they are submitted. - If a grant is in a no cost extension, is it considered active, and eligible?
No. - If a supplement has subcontracts on it, are the indirect costs from a subcontract counted towards the direct costs of the prime institution?
No, the cost of the subcontract does not “count.” That said, if your budget exceeds $100,000 direct cost the PI/PD is encouraged to discuss the budget with his/her program official and to include a strong justification for the needed budget in the submitted application. - Can aims/research objectives go beyond the objectives written in the NOSI?
Yes. The NOSI provides information on the topics of interest to NIDA but applicants can expand on the objectives listed. That said, all proposed research should be relevant to the NIDA mission and the research goals of NIDA. The NOSI outlines many of these objectives but should not be considered an exhaustive list. - Can new key personnel be added to the supplement that are not on the parent award?
Yes, any additional key personnel should be well justified. - Are HEAL-funded grants eligible?
Yes. However, multi-year funded HEAL grants may not be eligible due to their current balance. PI/PDs should work with their program official to obtain approval to rebudget existing funds rather than apply for a supplement. - Can multiple supplements be awarded to the same parent award? (E.g., can they have one of these supplements and another existing supplement)
Yes. - How will funding decisions be made?
NIDA Leadership will be making funding decisions based upon the scientific and technical merit of the proposed research, the relevance of the proposed project to program priorities as well as the availability of funds. - Are active K grantees eligible to apply under this NOSI seeking additional research support?
YES. An active K award is allowed to apply for a COVID admin/urgent supplement seeking additional research support. In fact, K awards can/have always been able to be supplemented with additional R&D funds. What is capped is the salary/FB costs for the K PI. - If the parent award reports to a single IRB, does the research proposed in the administrative supplement and/or competitive revision need to be reviewed by the single IRB on record or can my home institution serve as the IRB?
If IRB review/approval is needed for COVID related work, the local IRB may be used.