Since the patient may have used cannabis during the past 12 months, they may still be at risk for adverse outcomes despite no use in the past 3 months and may meet DSM-5 criteria for Cannabis Use Disorder.
Note: Patients who report no past 12 months cannabis use are currently at an undetermined risk for adverse outcomes. Those who report cannabis use in previous years but have not used in the past 12 months may be at risk for relapse or other complications.
- Prevention Resources – NIDA
- A Comprehensive Approach to Drug Prevention – Office of National Drug Control Policy
The suggested action for a “no recent (i.e. no past 3 months) cannabis use” result is to deliver a prevention message to continue abstinence. Ask additional questions to determine use frequency and patterns in the previous time periods in order to better determine risk level.
- Since the patient may have reported cannabis use in the past 12 months, consider exploring the severity of cannabis use through a clinical interview using the DSM-5 Cannabis Use Disorder criteria as a guide.
- Offer a referral for counseling or a support group to maintain abstinence.
- This is especially relevant for young adults and patients with medical conditions that may be worsened by cannabis use.
- Give positive reinforcement for abstinence.
- Personalize the prevention message as much as possible.
- For example: support recent abstinence, for patients with depression, discuss the link between cannabis use and depressive symptoms.