NIDA Publications

NIDA provides a variety of free publications for use by health care providers, researchers, educators, and the general public. All publications are available in online formats.

How to Access NIDA Publications


All publications are available online. We encourage you to use our materials and to print and share them. In addition to NIDA’s main website, you can find educational materials on NIDA’s other websites:

Reproducing, Printing and Translating NIDA materials

Unless otherwise specified, NIDA publications and videos are available for your use and may be reproduced in their entirety without permission from NIDA. Citation of the source is appreciated, using the following language: Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse; National Institutes of Health; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Sections of text that do not have source citations listed beside, above, or below them can also be used without permission. In most cases, imagery is not in the public domain and may not be used (i.e., photographs, illustrations, graphics). Questions about specific items can be sent to For any item that has a source citation, permission must be sought directly from the original source.

You may translate NIDA materials into other languages. However, please cite NIDA as the resource and also state the name of the person or organization that provided the translation.

The NIDA Logo

NIDA’s logo is trademarked and cannot be used without consent. The NIDA, NIH, and HHS logos may not be used when portions of a publication are repurposed or for translations because NIDA has not reviewed or approved your product.


NIDA does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, processes, or services. You may not use NIDA publications for advertising or endorsement purposes. NIDA also does not provide medical advice, treatment recommendations, or referrals for specific individuals or situations. You may not use NIDA publications in a manner that has the appearance of such information.