Anabolic Steroids

Also called

Weight Gainers

Commercial names: Oxandrin® (Nandrolone), Anadrol® (oxandrolone), Anadrol-50® (oxymetholone), Depo-testosterone® (testosterone cypionate)
DEA schedule: Schedule III

Anabolic-androgenic steroids are synthetic (lab-made) substances similar to the male sex hormone testosterone. They promote the growth of skeletal muscle (anabolic effects) and the development of male sexual characteristics (androgenic effects). Anabolic steroids are prescribed to treat delayed puberty and muscle loss due to disease and to treat low levels of testosterone in men with an associated medical condition.

Anabolic steroids are misused when they are taken in a way or dose that’s different than prescribed or taken without a prescription.

How do people take anabolic steroids?

  • By swallowing tablets or capsules.
  • By injecting.
  • By applying to the skin as gels and creams.

How do anabolic steroids make people feel? Anabolic steroids do not cause euphoria (intense feelings of pleasure), but their effects may include:

  • Changes in mood, including anxiety, irritability, and increased aggression.
  • Faster recovery from muscle strain and injury, but studies have not found consistent evidence for this.

Health risks of using anabolic steroids:

  • Severe, long-lasting, and in some cases, irreversible damage, including to the heart, hormonal system, and liver.
  • Early heart attacks, strokes, liver tumors, kidney failure, and psychiatric problems. 
  • In males, the health risks can include decreased sperm production, enlarged breasts, shrinking of the testicles, male-pattern baldness, and testicular cancer.
  • In females, the health risks can include deepening of the voice, decreased breast size, coarse skin, excessive body hair growth, and male-pattern baldness.

Are anabolic steroids addictive? 

Some people who use anabolic steroids develop a substance use disorder. Withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • Fatigue.
  • Restlessness.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Insomnia.
  • Reduced sex drive.
  • Cravings.
  • Depression.
  • Suicidality.

Approved treatments: 

Treatments for anabolic steroid use disorder usually focus on the underlying causes of steroid use. Treatments may include behavioral therapies, hormone therapies, and antidepressants. 

Read more:

NIDA research on the health effects of anabolic steroids and other appearance and performance enhancing drugs (APEDs)

Drug Group