How are you Dealing with Stigma in the ER?

NIDA's Science Behind Addiction: Yale emergency care and addiction medicine physician, researcher, and advocate Dr. Gail D’Onofrio and NIDA Director Dr. Nora Volkow discuss COVID-19, substance use disorder and emergency room care.

How are you Dealing with Stigma in the ER?

Video length: 1:00


[Dr. Nora Volkow speaking]

The issue of the stigma and discrimination against people with substance use disorder is interfering with them getting into treatment. And you bring up their as one of the actions so...Yes,  we need to have guidelines of evidence care but also address the issue of education and stigma and I guess part of that education is against the stigma that persists so what are your thoughts and how are you dealing with it?

[Dr. Gail D'Onofrio speaking]

Well,  I think one of the things is you just have to address it right it's it's like racism that we're in the midst of now you just have to address it say it exists. Then sometimes it's, it's, it's sort of not it's really unbiased kind of stuff people don't even know that they do it. So, I do believe that we'll you can address stigma and we should but on the other hand we just need to have great leadership the leadership says you need to give up this medication and that's just the bottom line.