These peer-reviewed journal supplements and scientific articles focus attention on NIDA International Program research priority topics and disseminate the results of research conducted in international settings.
- Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS: International Research Lessons and Imperatives
A peer-reviewed supplement to Drug and Alcohol Dependence (2006; 82:S1) that provides an international perspective on research exploring the intersections between drug abuse and HIV/AIDS, the issue includes 16 articles from 15 countries. - Volatile Substance Misuse: A Global Perspective
A peer-reviewed supplement to Substance Use & Misuse (2011; 46:S1) that addresses the public health issue of volatile substance misuse by examining it through socio-cultural epidemiology, neuroscience, and interventions research, the issue includes 20 articles by authors from 12 countries. - Classification of abused inhalants
Addiction. 2009 June; 104[6]:878-882.
Discussing strengths and weaknesses of various approaches to classification of inhalants, the authors conclude that classification of inhalants by form or product types is not useful for scientific purposes but should be based on a yet-to-be-determined combination of chemical and pharmacological similarity and shared patterns of use.