NIDA International Newsletter
Below are recent news articles from NIDA International.
Save the Date for the 2025 NIDA International Forum!
The NIDA International Program issues a call for plenary session proposals in preparation for the 2025 NIDA International Forum to take place June 13 and 14, 2025, in New Orleans...
NIDA Plans Poster Session and Travel Awards for 2025 SPR Annual Meeting: Call for Poster Abstracts
The Society for Prevention Research is now accepting abstracts until October 31, 2024, for its annual meeting that will be held in May 2025.
2024 NIDA International Forum Convenes in Person, Offering Insight Into Current Global Substance Use and Addiction Interventions, Research, and Policy
The 2024 NIDA International Forum gathered in Montreal, Canada, offering insights into addiction treatment and criminal justice systems, real world evidence-based interventions, and other current substance use and addiction topics.
CPDD International Committee Awards Best International Research Poster at the 2024 NIDA International Forum
Nigerian researcher Afolabi Oyapero received the 2024 College on Problems of Drug Dependence International Committee Award for Best International Research Poster during this year’s NIDA International Forum.
NIDA International Program Selects Researchers From Morocco and Vietnam as INVEST Fellows
The NIDA International Program has selected two postdoctoral researchers from Morocco and Vietnam to receive INVEST Drug Use and Addiction Research Fellowships.
Virginia Commonwealth University Welcomes 2024-2025 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellows
NIDA, the U.S. Department of State, the Institute of International Education, and host Virginia Commonwealth University welcome 11 accomplished substance use and addiction and public health professionals from around the...
Former Humphrey Fellow Brings Indigenous Voices Together at United Nations Forum
Dr. Zaira Zambelli Taveira and a group of diverse stakeholders reflect upon how Indigenous knowledge is transmitted in their communities and in their institutions at this year’s United Nations Permanent...
Former Humphrey Fellow Joins Staff at the International Society of Substance Use Professionals
Ms. Hala Najm, a 2022-2023 Humphrey Fellow, brings a diverse skill set in health promotion and substance use prevention to her new scientific support coordinator role with the International Society...
Former INVEST Fellowship Mentor Dr. Sandra Comer Engages With Congress at NIDA Anniversary Event
Dr. Sandra Comer, professor of neurobiology in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University and a former INVEST fellowship mentor, was honored as a panelist at the National Institute on...
ISSUP and ICUDDR Host Conference in Greece, Signaling a New Era of Substance Use Research
The International Society of Substance Use Professionals and the International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction 2024 conference included workshops, training sessions, and cultural events for higher education faculty...
2024 NIDA International Forum in Montreal, Canada!
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) International Program 2024 NIDA International Forum, will be in-person and will be held June 14–15, 2024, at the Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth Hotel...
Humphrey Fellows and NIDA INVEST Postdoctoral Fellows Visit NIDA
In November 2023, the NIDA International Program organized a visit for the 2023-2024 Hubert H. Humphrey Drug Abuse Research Fellows and NIDA INVEST Postdoctoral fellows at NIDA.
Former Humphrey Fellow Helps Organize ISAM 2024 World Congress
Dr. Rabia Bilici, 2020–2021 Humphrey fellow and current president of Turkey’s Addiction Psychiatry Foundation, is one of the main organizers of the 26th World Congress of the International Society of...
Humphrey Fellowship Has Long-Lasting and Far-Reaching Impact in India
Dr. Lalchhanhima Ralte, 2019–2020 Humphrey fellow, continues his Humphrey project by teaching motivational interviewing to counselors in northeastern India.
National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week Educates Youth Around the World
National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® aims to inspire dialogue with and among youth all over the world about drug use and what science has taught us about addiction. NDAFW...
NIDA International SPR Poster Session at the 2024 SPR Annual Meeting
The Society for Prevention Research (SPR) 32nd Annual Meeting will be held in person May 28–31, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. This year’s...
NIH and Fogarty International Center Funding Opportunities Open to International Researchers
Several funding opportunities from the National Institutes of Health and the Fogarty International Center may be of interest to international drug use and addiction researchers.
2024 Collaborative Hubert H. Humphrey Alumni Project Application
The Humphrey Fellowship Program is pleased to announce the pilot of the Collaborative Alumni Project (CAP) for all eligible Humphrey Fellowship alumni.
Save the Date and Call for Plenary Session Proposals for the 2024 NIDA International Forum in Montreal, Canada!
The 2024 NIDA International Forum will take place June 14 to 17, 2024, in Montreal, Canada. As in years past, the Forum will be held in conjunction with the College...
NIDA International Program Selects Four Researchers as INVEST Fellows
The NIDA International Program has selected four postdoctoral researchers from Pakistan, Cameroon, Iran, and Poland to receive INVEST Drug Use and Addiction Research Fellowships: Rabia Hanif, Ph.D., (Pakistan) will spend...
2023–2024 NIDA Hubert H. Humphrey Fellows Begin Their Year at Virginia Commonwealth University
NIDA, the U.S. Department of State, and the Institute of International Education welcome 11 accomplished professionals from around the world as NIDA Hubert H. Humphrey Drug Use and Addiction Research...
2023 NIDA International Forum Focuses on Enhancing Global Substance Use Research, Treatment, and Policies
NIDA International Program leadership Dr. Tom Clarke and Dr. Lindsey Friend co-chaired the 2023 NIDA International Forum, held virtually June 8-9 in conjunction with the College on Problems of Drug...
Humphrey Fellows Help Educate Youth About Drugs and Alcohol
In March 2023, Hubert H. Humphrey Fellows Basak Ünübol (Turkey), Jean Michel Iyamuremye (Rwanda), and Che Neba (Cameroon) volunteered in the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Community Service and Health Education...
NIDA-Supported Mini-Grant Projects Featured at ICUDDR Annual Meeting
The NIDA International Program previously collaborated with the International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR) to support five mini-grant projects.
NIDA Plans Poster Session and Travel Awards for 2024 SPR Annual Meeting
The NIDA International Program and the Institute’s Division of Epidemiology, Services, and Prevention Research will host the 17th Annual NIDA International SPR Poster Session to open the conference.
Humphrey Fellows Attend the 2022 Global Leadership Forum and Visit NIDA
The 2022–2023 Hubert H. Humphrey Drug Use and Addiction Research Fellows participated in the U.S. Department of State’s Global Leadership Forum and visited NIDA.
NIDA INVEST Postdoctoral Fellowship Application—Special April 1 Deadline
An application cycle has been announced for the NIDA INVEST Drug Use and Addiction Research Fellowship. The deadline for applications is April 1, 2023.
Educating Youth Around the World About Drugs and Alcohol
Around the world, National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® aims to inspire dialogue with and among youth about drug use and what science has taught us about addiction. International researchers...
A New ICUDDR Program Promotes Research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
In 2022, the International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR), with funding from the NIDA International Program, conducted a mini-grant project designed to promote research in low- and...
NIH Funding Opportunities Open to International Researchers
Several funding opportunities from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) may be of interest to international drug use and addiction researchers. NIDA Research Education Program for Clinical Researchers and Clinicians...
NIDA Plans Poster Session and Travel Awards for 2023 SPR Annual Meeting
2023 Society for Prevention Research call for abstracts and save the date.
2022 NIDA International Forum Focuses on Building International Collaborative Research on Drug Use and Addiction
NIDA International Program leadership, Dr. Lindsey Friend and Dr. Jennifer Hobin, co-chaired the 2022 NIDA International Forum, which was held virtually in conjunction with the College on Problems of Drug...
CPDD International Committee Selects Vietnamese Research on Take-Home Methadone as Best Poster
Vi Thi Turon Vu, M.P.H., from Vietnam received the 2022 College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) International Committee Award for Best International Research Poster.
Save the Date for the 2023 NIDA International Forum!
Save the Date 2023 NIDA International Forum will be held in conjunction with the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) Annual Scientific Meeting.
Researchers From Georgia and Nigeria Selected as INVEST Fellows
Postdoctoral researchers from Georgia and Nigeria to receive NIDA INVEST Drug Use and Addiction Research Fellowships.
NIDA Selects Chinese Researcher as Distinguished International Scientist
The NIDA International Program has granted Liying Ma, M.D., Ph.D., a Distinguished International Scientist Collaboration Award (DISCA).
2022-2023 NIDA Humphrey Fellows Begin Their Year at Virginia Commonwealth University
NIDA has selected 10 researchers from around the world as NIDA Hubert H. Humphrey Drug Use and Addiction Research Fellows.
Humphrey Alumni Participate in ISSUP International Conference in Abu Dhabi
Thirty-eight NIDA Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship alumni representing 28 countries participated in the eighth International Society of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Professionals (ISSUP) conference held in Abu Dhabi.
NIDA Humphrey Fellow Learns About Drug Testing at Virginia Commonwealth University
As part of her fellowship year, Humphrey Fellow Amanda Moses Ferreira from Trinidad and Tobago participated in a professional affiliation in the Department of Forensic Science at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Former NIDA Humphrey Fellow Receives Chimera Award
Former Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow Dr. Adrian Octavian Abagiu (2008-2009) from Romania has been chosen as a recipient of the European Opiate Addiction Treatment Association’s 2022 Chimera Awards.
NIDA Humphrey Fellowship Alumna Awarded Grant From Boston University
Former Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow Judith Kokui Azumah (2020-2021) from Ghana, together with Dr. Kaku So-Armah from Boston University, has received a Research Partnership Scholars Grant.
Journal Article Demonstrates Success of NIDA’s INVEST Postdoctoral Drug Abuse Research Fellowships
Describes how an analysis showed that NIDA IP is a cost-effective way to advance scientific knowledge, build addiction research capacity, and promote evidence-based policies.
Farewell to Dr. Steve Gust, NIDA International Program Director
Announces the retirement of Dr. Steve Gust after more than 20 years leading the NIDA International Program
NIDA International Program Welcomes a New Leadership Team
Introduces the new leadership team that was placed in charge of the NIDA International Program on January 1, 2022.
Two New ICUDDR Activities Promote Writing and Publication of Scientific Papers
Announces how ICUDDR in 2021 launched two new initiatives aimed at helping researchers write scientific papers and get them published.
NIDA-Inserm Fellowship "A Period of Great Scientific Growth"
Features Dr. Lauren Reynolds, who reflects on her fellowship experience in Paris, which helped her develop skills in neurophysiology and launch a research project.
Former NIDA Humphrey Fellow Selected for Alumni Impact Award
Announces that Valeriy Ryabukha from Ukraine received the award for his proposed project, “Evidence-based prevention for children of Ukraine.”
NIDA Humphrey Fellowship Alumna Receives Early Career Investigator Award
Announces that Dr. Huyen Gonzales Pham received an award for her research related to treatment for opioid use disorder.
New Name, Same Mission—NIDA’s HIV Research Program
Discusses how NIDA changed the name of its HIV-related research portfolio to combat the stigma still attached to HIV and better reflect current HIV research and management approaches.
ISSUP Workshop Abu Dhabi 2022—Uniting the Global Community to Face the Challenge of Addiction
Describes the event, which will include a 3-day conference, week-long online streams, in-person training, and networking opportunities.