NIDA International Program leadership Dr. Tom Clarke and Dr. Lindsey Friend co-chaired the 2023 NIDA International Forum, held virtually June 8-9 in conjunction with the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) Annual Scientific Meeting. Six hundred attendees from 80 countries participated in the Forum, and 99 research posters from 40 countries were presented on the virtual platform’s poster gallery. Two virtual plenary sessions featured presentations by 25 researchers from 18 nations and 10 time zones. The NIDA International Program also supported 12 travel awards to researchers to attend the in-person Annual CPDD Scientific Meeting held June 17-21, 2023.
More details about the 2023 NIDA International Forum are available online:
Abstracts from this year’s poster session can be found in the NIDA International Research Abstract Database. This searchable database includes more than 450 research abstracts presented at NIDA-supported international meetings from 2020 to the present.
Additionally, the NIDA International Program is pleased to share a recording of the 2023 CPDD International Committee Workshop, “A View Beyond the Horizon: Innovative Methodologies and Approaches in Substance Use Disorder Research and Treatment Utilized Internationally,” held June 17 as part of CPDD’s 85th Annual Scientific Meeting. View the workshop recording.