Sharing Data in HEAL-compliant Repositories: Requirements and Guidance



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Dr. Nora Volkow, Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) at NIH, joins us for the May 16 Fresh FAIR webinar. The webinar will highlight the importance of sharing data by depositing into HEAL-compliant repositories and provide guidance and resources to help investigators through the process. Dr. Volkow will begin the webinar with a call-to-action for HEAL investigators to participate in the HEAL Data Ecosystem and deposit data into repositories, emphasizing the immediate and long-term benefits across the HEAL community. Next, HEAL Steward Allie Gartland-Gray will present an updated list of HEAL-compliant repositories, the new HEAL Repository Selection Quiz, and how the HEAL Stewards can help with repository selection. HEAL Platform team member Dr. Brienna Larrick will follow with an overview of how the HEAL Platform interacts with repositories to provide a central hub for searching across HEAL data. The presentations will be followed by a live Q&A.

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