Improved Messaging Strategies for MOUD for Underserved Populations of Pregnant and Postpartum Individuals with OUD

This project will develop stigma-reduction and educational messages related to opioid use disorder and medication for opioid use disorder in pregnant / postpartum (PP) persons including: (1) NOWS;  (2) the importance of MOUD for maternal and infant health, (3) stigma and health system mistrust, and (4) PP persons rights to treatment.  The project team will create products tailored to specific populations (Hispanic, Black, and Native PP women, and those living in rural areas), engage consumers and advisors for review and feedback, and work with CTN leadership and the IMPROVE COE Implementation Hub to finalize and disseminate the developed messaging to providers, consumers, and the general public.

CTN Protocol ID: 

Principal Investigator(s)

Frankie B. Kropp, M.S., LICDC-CS

OVN Node Coordinator, Clinical Research Manager
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Addiction Sciences
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience

3131 Harvey Avenue, Suite 104
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3006
United States