Rural Expansion of Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: Electronic Health Record Data Collection and Analysis (NIH HEAL Initiative)

Funded by the NIH HEAL Initiative®

This study builds on work performed in the CTN-0102-Feasibility Study by continuing electronic health record data extractions from the six participating clinics and telemedicine vendor. The sample will consist of primary care patients eligible for the feasibility study, spanning approximately 4.25 years from the initial baseline data extraction. The overall objectives of the study are to continue monitoring and assessing medication treatment for opioid use disorder (MOUD) as delivered in rural primary care clinics and by the telemedicine Vendor in order to improve knowledge of MOUD delivery in rural primary care 

CTN Protocol ID: 

Principal Investigator(s)

Yih-Ing Hser, Ph.D.

Integrated Substance Abuse Programs
University of California

10911 Weyburn Avenue
Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90024
United States