Deadline: April 15, 2021
Award Notification: May 3, 2021
Abstract submission is now open for the 2021 NIDA International Forum. The meeting will feature three plenary sessions and the joint NIDA International Forum and College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) Workshop International Research Poster Session. The plenary sessions will focus on the global impact of COVID-19 on substance use, international standards for the treatment of drug use disorders, and rapid-research reports featuring selected abstract submissions. The plenary sessions will be live from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. on June 22, 23, and 24, and will be recorded to accommodate participants in different time zones. As with the 2020 NIDA International Forum, this year’s meeting will be hosted on the CPDD virtual meeting platform. In lieu of travel awards, the NIDA International Program will support registration fees for the full CPDD Annual Meeting. A limited number of CPDD Registration Support Awards will be available for forum participants whose abstracts are accepted for presentation at the International Research Poster Session. Abstracts will be given priority that address any aspect of SUD and COVID-19, including but not limited to:
- Increased risks of contracting COVID-19
- Consequences of comorbid SUD and COVID-19 infection, including disease progression and severity, hospitalization, and death
- Stigma
- Access to services, including telehealth and vaccines
- Changes in drug use patterns, including increased use, new or substitute substances, and changes in routes of administration, such as injecting drug use
- Overdose
Overdoses attributed to synthetic opioids or methamphetamine are of particular interest. Poster presenters will have the option of submitting a short video or audio file to accompany their poster PDFs. The CPDD virtual meeting platform also will provide opportunities for poster presenters to network with other meeting participants.
Learn more about the 2021 NIDA International Forum.