Petra Jacobs, M.D., M.H.S., will establish and lead a new Office of Behavioral and Social Clinical Trials Support at the National Institute on Aging (NIA). She was previously the addiction medicine team leader in the NIDA Center for the Clinical Trials Network (CCTN). Betty Tai, Ph.D., CCTN director, announced the move, saying, “Petra’s NIDA tenure has been marked by distinguished professional accomplishment, thoughtful and determined leadership, and, above all, a rare collegiality that reflects her kind and generous spirit.” NIDA International Program Director Steve Gust, Ph.D., added that Dr. Jacobs has been a valued colleague as well as an alumnus and friend of the International Program: “Petra has been a tireless supporter of the NIDA International Program and has been involved in many of NIDA’s most significant international activities. We thank her for helping to expand NIDA’s global reach and impact, and being an active partner at NIDA. She also has been an important part of our NIDA International Forum satellite at the College on Problems of Drug Dependence meetings.” Dr. Jacobs was a 2001 NIDA Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow from her native Czech Republic. In 2002, she received a NIDA International Program Distinguished International Scientist Collaboration Award to work with the Services Research Branch in the NIDA Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research. At NIA, Dr. Jacobs will oversee aging- and Alzheimer’s-related trials of behavioral and social interventions conducted in controlled settings as well as in a range of real-world community, health care, and institutional settings. She will also oversee training, outreach, risk management, policy compliance, funding opportunity development, and administrative support for the new unit.