Higher Daily Buprenorphine Doses Help Manage OUD: AMA Recommends Policy Change
Medscape, By Marcia Frellick
When abortion politics complicates mothers’ addiction recovery
The Washington Post, By Danielle Paquette and Sabrina Malhi
Upping Dose of Anti-Opioid Drug Might Work Better to Curb Addiction
HealthDay, By Carole Tanzer Miller
Novo Nordisk’s diabetes drug Ozempic may lower the risk of opioid overdoses, study says
CNBC, By Annika Kim Constantino
Ozempic May Decrease Opioid Overdose Risk, Study Suggests: What To Know
Forbes, By Arianna Johnson
44% of jails have medication to treat opioid withdrawal which can be fatal: study finds.
Columbus Dispatch, By Erin Glynn
Fewer than half of US jails provide medications for opioid use disorder
The Hill, By Alejandra O’Connell-Domenech
Millions of Americans want to quit smoking. Critics say drugmakers and the FDA are failing them
STAT, By Nicholas Florko
Retraining a brain addicted to cocaine, one prize at a time
WBUR NPR, By Martha Bebinger
US overdoses have fallen sharply in recent months, a hopeful shift in trends
CNN, By Deidre McPhillips
U.S. Overdose Deaths Drop for the First Time in Decades
People, By Vanessa Etienne
NPR Exclusive: U.S. overdose deaths plummet, saving thousands of lives
September 18, 2024, By Brian Mann
‘I choose to climb instead of fall’: One woman’s story of opioid use disorder and joining an NIH clinical trial
NIH Medline Plus, By Rachel George
Daily marijuana use is outpacing daily drinking habits—but is that any better?
MDLinx, By Claire Wolters
Why Can't U.S. Doctors Prescribe Methadone for Opioid Use Disorder?
Psychology Today, By Mark S. Gold, M.D.
A ‘miracle molecule’ could cut fentanyl deaths in half — or lead more into addiction
POLITICO Pro, By Carmen Paun
Rethinking Addiction as a Chronic Brain Disease
The New York Times, By Jan Hoffman
Developing new drugs to treat addiction
Drug Discovery News, By Allison Whitten, Ph.D.
Cannabis, hallucinogen use at ‘historically high levels’: Research
The Hill , By Filip Timotija