Search for free lessons and activities on the science and consequences of drug use. All lessons are based on national science and education standards and were developed by scientists from leading universities and the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Lesson plans Grades 5-9: Classroom materials for teaching teens about how brains are affected by drugs like cannabis, fentanyl and more. Download available.
Lesson plans Grades 5-9: Classroom materials for teaching children and teens about ADHD prescription medications like Adderall and Ritalin. Download available.
Lesson plans Grades 5-9: Classroom materials for teaching teens how opioids like heroin, fentanyl and oxycontin, affect developing brains. Download available.
Lesson plans Grades 5-9: Classroom materials for teaching children and teens how nicotine, vaping and smoking, affects developing brains. Download available.
Lesson plans Grades 5-9: Classroom materials for teaching children and teens how methamphetamine affects developing brains and bodies. Download available.
Lesson plans Grades 5-9: Classroom materials for teaching children and teens how cannabis (marijuana) affects developing brains and bodies. Download available.
Lesson plans Grades 5-9: Classroom materials for teaching children and teens the health risks of K2, a.k.a. Spice, and bath salts. Download available.
Lesson plans Grades 5-9: Classroom materials for teaching children and teens the health risks of inhalants, and how they alter brain function. Download available.
Lesson plans Grades 5-9: Classroom materials for teaching children and teens the health risks of cocaine, including addiction and how it affects communication.