Treatment and Recovery Services Research Branch (TRSRB)

What We Do:

The Treatment and Recovery Services Research Branch (TRSRB) supports rigorous research to improve population health by maximizing the efficient delivery of high-quality, personalized addiction treatment and related services.  TRSRB seeks advance science to inform the design and implementation of stigma-free patient-centered systems of care so that people who experience addiction can recover and sustain their recovery over the long-term.

Research Interests:

SRB has developed a portfolio of research that includes a range of methods and approaches, including, but not limited to: implementation science, comparative effectiveness trials, integrated treatment approaches, quality improvement efforts, treatment adaptations, cost-effectiveness studies, insurance coverage and policy research, mHealth interventions, cross-system data integrations, modeling studies, and building learning systems of care.

Across this diverse set of methodological approaches, TRSRB seeks to advance science that supports providing high-quality personalized addiction treatment services to people to support their sustained recovery from addiction. TRSRB supports research at multiple levels (individual, clinician, organization, community, and systems) to achieve this goal.

Examples of specific topics of interest include:

  • Developing and testing strategies aimed at optimizing the sustainability and scalability of evidence-based practices, including leveraging technology to enhance implementation
  • Enhancing the use of data to build learning systems of care and drive improvements in care delivery and patient outcomes
  • Identifying diverse strategies to improve treatment engagement and retention, with specific attention to reducing disparities for vulnerable and under-represented populations
  • Developing and testing approaches to supporting long-term sustainable recovery
  • Improving transitions across systems of care (e.g., from justice settings to community settings, from emergency care to specialty care)
  • Studies to understand and address workforce dynamics (e.g., recruitment, retention, turnover) that influence the quality of service delivery
  • Across all topics of interest, applicants are strongly encouraged to incorporate the following priorities (“SPECS”) into their study designs:
    • Sustainability
    • Patient/stakeholder engagement
    • Equity
    • Connecting research to practice
    • Scalability

Portfolio Areas and Contacts

Our team is eager to help prospective applications. Prospective applicants are encouraged to consult with a program officer early in the process of developing an application to determine alignment with the priorities of SRB and DESPR. The table below highlights program officers responsible for areas of research covered by our branch. If you are uncertain about who to reach out to, contact the branch chief, Tisha Wiley, for additional guidance.

Focal SubstancePrimary Contact PO
CannabisShelley Su
StimulantsMarcy Fitz-Randolph
TobaccoMarcy Fitz-Randolph
Polysubstance UseMarcy Fitz-Randolph
     OUD Services Delivered in Healthcare SystemsLindsey Martin
     OUD Services Delivered in Community and Other SettingsJulia Zur
     All Other Opioid-Focused ResearchAll—see other focal areas below
ComorbiditiesPrimary Contact PO
Infectious Disease Comorbidities (HIV)Angela Lee-Winn
Infectious Disease Comorbidities (HCV)Tamara Haegerich
Physical Comorbidities (other than HIV & Hep C) Marcy Fitz-Randolph
Mental Health Comorbidities Sean Lynch
Violence, Trauma, & PTSD Carrie Mulford
Chronic Pain Shelley Su
Intervention ApproachesPrimary Contact PO
Behavioral &/Or Combined InterventionsMarcy Fitz-Randolph
mHealth,Marcy Fitz-Randolph
TelehealthSean Lynch
Harm Reduction (Including Overdose Prevention & Post-Overdose Intervention)Julia Zur
StigmaJulia Zur
Recovery ResearchLindsey Martin
Personalized Addiction Health ServicesShelley Su
Community & Structural InterventionsTamara Haegerich
MethodsPrimary Contact PO
Big Data/Data ScienceTamara Haegerich
Implementation Science Theory/MethodsLori Ducharme
Organization/Systems of Care FocusPrimary Contact PO
Integrated Care Models (HIV)Angela Lee-Winn
Health Economics, Insurance & FinancingTamara Haegerich
QualityLindsey Martin
PolicyJulia Zur
Workforce IssuesSean Lynch
Cross-System Collaborations (other than Justice)Tamara Haegerich
Special Populations or SettingsPrimary Contact PO
AdolescentsSean Lynch
Homelessness & HousingCarrie Mulford
Justice Populations (including Justice/HIV)Carrie Mulford
Health DisparitiesKeisher Highsmith
International SettingsAngela Lee-Winn
Women (general & including pregnancy & parenting)Keisher Highsmith
Child WelfareKeisher Highsmith
Pain PatientsShelley Su
VeteransTamara Haegerich
Older Adults & AgingMarcy Fitz-Randolph
Social Connection/LonelinessCarrie Mulford
Training/Infrastructure/OtherPrimary Contact PO
T32’s, R25’s, R13’sLori Ducharme
Implementation Science K’sLori Ducharme
All other K’sAssigned by topic area
P30-P50 (Center Grants)Tamara Haegerich 
