
How Naloxone Saves Lives in Opioid Overdose

 |  Naloxone saves lives. This video reviews when naloxone is used, how it is administered, and the way it works. The National Institutes of Health and National Institute on Drug Abuse

Desarrollo del Cerebro Adolescente

 |  En este video, NIDA explora las similitudes entre el programado de una computadoras y el proceso de desarrollo cerebral durante la adolescencia. Esta analogía nos ayuda a comprender por qué

Teen Brain Development

 |  NIDA explores in this video the intriguing similarities between the processes of brain development and computer programming.

ThisIsNIDA | Monitoring the Future Survey (MTF)

 |  NIDA's Monitoring the Future survey (MTF) is its longest continuously conducted survey of drug use among youth in America. Deputy Director Dr. Wilson Compton describes the history of the survey.