
NIDA Diversity Workshop: Dr. Dionna Williams

 |  Johns Hopkins University 's, Dr. Dionna W. Williams recently presented to fellow colleagues during the two-day NIDA Office of Diversity and Health Disparities (ODHD) Diversity Supplement Workshop in Rockville, Maryland

Differences in Why Men and Women Use Drugs

 |  Rajita Sinha discusses the importance of considering sex and gender differences while studying the causes and treatment of substance use disorders, including the differences between sex and gender.

Men and Women in Response to Stress

 |  Rajita Sinha discusses the importance of considering sex and gender differences while studying the causes and treatment of substance use disorders, including the differences between sex and gender.

What About Treating Addiction?

 |  Rajita Sinha discusses the importance of considering sex and gender differences while studying the causes and treatment of substance use disorders, including the differences between sex and gender.