Buprenorphine Treatment: Training for Multidisciplinary Addiction Professionals
Opioid abuse and addiction (e.g., heroin, OxyContin) remains a critical national public health concern. To address this problem, the Buprenorphine Treatment Blending Team (also referred to as: "Buprenorphine Awareness Team") developed a training package to disseminate information and enhance awareness among multi-disciplinary addiction professionals about buprenorphine treatment. Products were completed in 2005.
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- Includes: Training manual for six-hour classroom modules, PowerPoint presentation, Annotated bibliography, Training Video, Research articles
Short-Term Opioid Withdrawal Using Buprenorphine: Findings and Strategies from a NIDA Clinical Trials Network (CTN) Study
Instructs treatment providers about a unique, 13-day buprenorphine intervention for opioid dependent patients. To test its effectiveness, the NIDA CTN protocol compared this 13-day buprenorphine taper intervention to an alternative treatment (clonidine detoxification) in both inpatient and outpatient settings. In contrast with the clonidine treatment group, patients who received buprenorphine provided more opioid negative urine samples upon completion of the intervention. Products were completed in 2006.
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- Includes: four-hour classroom training, PowerPoint slides, Brochure, Research Articles
Buprenorphine Treatment for Young Adults
Highlights the findings of the NIDA CTN study that compared longer term versus short-term buprenorphine/naloxone treatment in an outpatient setting. Primary results indicated that young adults in the longer term buprenorphine treatment were less likely to inject drugs or abuse opioids, cocaine, and marijuana, and were more likely to remain in treatment than those young adults who received short-term detoxification. Products were completed in 2010.
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- Includes: Three-hour classroom training and PowerPoint presentation
The Prescription Opioid Addiction Treatment Study (POATS): Treatment Strategies for Prescription Opioid Dependence and Information
Opioids have been used for decades to treat chronic pain; however, concerns about prescription opioid abuse have increased in recent years. Findings from a study conducted by NIDA’s National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN) indicated that prescription opioid–dependent patients are most likely to reduce opioid use during buprenorphine/naloxone treatment with relatively brief weekly medical management visits. This supports the national trend toward treatment of opioid dependence by physicians in office-based practice. This product offers information to treatment providers aimed at improving outcomes among patients treated for prescription opioid dependence. Product was released in 2012.
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- Includes: Training program and manual, PowerPoint presentation, buprenorphine treatment research and resources.