CTN Dissemination Initiative

As of December 29, 2022, clinicians are no longer required to obtain a DATA waiver (X-waiver) to prescribe buprenorphine to treat opioid use disorder. Visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website for more information about the removal of the DATA waiver requirement.
CTN logo

About the CTN DI Initiative

The CTN Dissemination Initiative aims to reduce the gap that exists between the publication of research on treatment of substance use disorders and implementation in clinical practice. It incorporates collaboration among clinicians, researchers, and experienced trainers to develop user-friendly tools and products to facilitate the adoption of research-based interventions into clinical settings. Explore this page for more information about the different components of the CTN Dissemination Initiative.

For more information about NIDA's recent dissemination efforts related to adolescent health visit:  National Institute on Drug Abuse: Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge to Improve Adolescent Health.

Clinical Trials Netowrk logo

The CTN Dissemination Initiative is a component of the Clinical Trials Network within NIDA and works in collaboration with NIDAMED to develop products and disseminate those products to clinicians.

TAPS: Tobacco, Alcohol, prescription medication and other Substance Use Tool

Products and Materials

In the addiction field, research is primarily translated into clinical practice through products and materials. We work with NIDA researchers and other experts to develop resources based on NIDA-supported research.


Health Professions Education

Reducing the Risks of Fentanyl in the U.S.

Image capture of the video: Reducing the Risks of Fentanyl in the U.S.
Watch the video

This video was created in collaboration with staff from the University of Pennsylvania Center for Addiction Medicine and Policy in response to rising rates of drug overdose deaths involving opioids.  It also stresses that everyone can be a first responder by carrying naloxone. An infographic is available in English and Spanish.

Resources for Emergency Departments

Products & Materials from the Blending Initiative

Blending Teams, consisting of NIDA researchers, treatment practitioners, trainers from SAMHSA’s ATTC Network, NIDA staff, and subject matter and communications experts, work closely together to develop training curricula, manuals, tools, and other resource materials based on NIDA-supported research.

Meetings and Conferences

An important aspect of the CTN Dissemination Initiative involves Meetings and Conferences, where addiction researchers and treatment providers collaborate and exchange knowledge. These events may offer the following:

  • CME/CE credit for various health professionals
  • Skill-building workshops
  • Lectures for audiences ranging from addiction professionals to emergency department physicians
  • Opportunities to meet leadership and members of key organizations
  • Partnership and collaboration opportunities
  • Resource development

Mentored Training Awards

Background on the Program:

CTN Mentor Facilitated Training Program fact sheet

The Mentor-Facilitated Training (MFT) Awards develop the healthcare professional trainee’s expertise in substance use disorder research dissemination activities. Through partnerships with professional healthcare organizations, awardees are paired with mentors and funded for a year to develop projects that use published research to address knowledge gaps in screening, prevention, and the management of substance use disorders. Trainees gain experience that helps shape their career paths in substance use disorder treatment or investigation to benefit their patients, colleagues, and communities. To learn more, please watch this video on the MFT program.

The MFT Awards are built on partnerships between the NIDA CTN Dissemination Initiative and professional organizations serving the addiction treatment communities. Since 2012, the MFT program has partnered with many national health care organizations, including: 

  • American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP)
  • American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP)
  • American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA)
  • American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)
  • American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)
  • American College of Emergency Physicians/Emergency Medicine Foundation (ACEP/EMF)
  • American College of Medical Toxicology
  • National Medical Association
  • Society for Academy Emergency Medicine Foundation (SAEMF)
  • Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM)
  • Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM)

Awardee Activities:

MFT awardees may pursue projects that focus on the screening, prevention, and the management of substance use disorders for opioids, marijuana, alcohol, tobacco, stimulants, and other substances. Awardees acquire evidence-based expertise and understanding of substance use disorders to create innovative methods to educate and provide treatment. Tools and resources developed from MFT projects include training series, workshop curricula, reference guides, websites, podcasts, and social media campaigns. These resources are disseminated through health systems, professional organizations, and communities. Awardees present their projects at annual meetings of their respective professional societies and may publish their projects.