As of December 29, 2022, clinicians are no longer required to obtain a DATA waiver (X-waiver) to prescribe buprenorphine to treat opioid use disorder. Visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website for more information about the removal of the DATA waiver requirement.
Share educational materials on addiction and substance use with your patients and their families.

General Drug Facts & Information about Addiction
- Words Matter: Preferred Language for Talking About Addiction – Learn about stigma, how it affects people with SUD, and how simple changes in language can help reduce and avoid harmful stigma and negativity around addiction.
- Drug Facts – Plain language summaries on different drugs.
- Drugs, Brain, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction – Explanation of the impact of drugs and addiction on the brain.
- View the NIDA Website in Spanish
Specialized Resources
- Addiction Treatment
- NIAAA: How to Spot Quality Treatment – Share with patients with/at risk of alcohol use disorder to learn how to recognize quality care and treatment.
- NIDA's Treatment Page – Step-by-step guidelines your patients can use to get help for a substance use disorder or to help a friend or loved one with addiction.
- Find Treatment – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) resources on treatment (including treatment options, support hotlines and locator).
- Opioid Addiction Treatment: A Guide for Patients, Families and Friends – Guide on addiction assessment and treatment from the American Society of Addiction Medicine.
- Treatment options – factsheet
- Opioids
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Opioid Crisis page – Up-to-date opioid-related statistics, research, and addiction services.
- Factsheet on prescription drugs
- Poster: prescription drugs
- Marijuana
- SAMHSA’s Know the Risks of Marijuana page – Marijuana IQ test, videos, and links to other relevant resources.
- Marijuana factsheet
- For more information about marijuana, visit the Vaping, Marijuana, and Other Drugs page
- Vaping/E-Cigarettes
- Vaping – Videos, publications, infographics, and other resources focused on vaping.
- Tobacco/Nicotine and Vaping – Statistics and national trends on tobacco and vaping.
- Smokefree.Gov– Information on tobacco cessation and resources from the National Cancer Institute.
- The Safety Reporting Portal – Portal to report adverse effects of vaping to the FDA and the National Institutes of Health.
- For more information about e-cigarettes and vaping, visit the Vaping, Marijuana, and Other Drugs page
- Special Populations
For Older Adults
- Older Adults and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) – Access resources on pain, SUD, alcohol, and addiction treatment for older adults.
- DrugFacts: Substance Use in Older Adults – Information on the scope and impact of substance use among older adults, including a special focus on prescription medicines, marijuana, nicotine, and alcohol.
- Resources for people with substance use disorders and in recovery during COVID-19
- E-Cigarettes – Quick facts and resources about E-Cigarettes from AAP.
For Teens
- Mind Matters Series – English and Spanish pamphlets that can help middle school-aged students understand the effects and consequences drug use has on the brain and body.
- Opioid Facts for Teens
- Parents and teens can visit the Drugged Driving page to learn more about its severity, relevant stats, and steps to prevent it.
- Tips for Teens – Fact sheets from the SAMHSA are specifically designed for teens; and address the risks, statistics, and myths about various substances that teens may use.
For Parents
- E-Cigarettes – Quick facts and resources about E-Cigarettes from AAP.