2024 NIDA Genetics and Epigenetics Cross-Cutting Research Meeting

For more information go to the Meeting website
View the NIDA Genetic Consortium Meetings & Abstracts
New Services for iPSC Stem Cells
NIDA Center for Genetics Studies offers services to generate high quality induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) derived from patients with disorders using abused substances including nicotine, cannabinoids, opioids and cocaine. iPSCs are derived by episomal, retroviral, or Sendai viral reprogramming of cryopreserved lymphocytes. These cells may be differentiated into many different cell types including neurons, glial cells and immune cell progenitors for neurobiological, pharmacological and toxicity studies that are relevant to addiction research.
Any request does not constitute a commitment of funds from NIDA for the use of NIDA Center for Genetic Studies to create iPSCs. Please direct your request to Jonathan D. Pollock, Ph.D.
What We Do:
The NIDA Genetics and Epigenetics cross-cutting research team is comprised of program staff from multiple NIDA Divisions, Centers, and Offices. Our mission is to develop NIDA’s portfolio of genetic and epigenetic research relevant to substance use disorders and addictive behaviors. Since a variety of expertise is needed to effectively apply genetic and epigenetic methodologies to the problems of substance use disorders and addictive behaviors (i.e., phenotypes, pharmacology, epidemiology, behavior, etc.), our team coordinates our programs to meet strategic mission research objectives, including development of a workforce to meet current and future needs. Our team plans to support current and emerging avenues of research through program announcements and requests for applications. We will also sponsor seminars and speakers to:
- Inform NIDA staff of new tools and topics in genetics, genomics, and epigenetics research
- Support the NIDA Genetics Consortium
- Develop staff knowledge in genomic research as it pertains to NIDA's overall mission to advance science on drug use and addiction
- Apply that knowledge to improve individual and public health
Research Interests:
NIDA funds a broad range of research in human and molecular genetics, model genetic organisms, pharmacogenetics, genetic epidemiology, genes and development, epigenetics, statistical genetics, and the ethical, legal and social implications of research on the genetic vulnerability of addiction, substance use and substance use disorders.
Major Goals:
- Support the discovery of gene variants and epigenetic modification associated with substance abuse and dependence.
- Promote and facilitate the integration of novel genetic/genomic hypotheses, laboratory and statistical methodologies into studies of substance abuse.
- Ensure training opportunities in addiction genetics for students and post-doctoral fellows.
- Support the translation of significant reproducible findings in genetics/genomics research into clinical applications.
Genetics, Genomics and Epigenetics Research Resources
Funding for Genetics Research:
- Genetics, Epigenetics and Developmental Neuroscience Branch (GEDN)
- Genetics Funding Opportunity Announcements
- Human Genetics Grant Application Guidelines
- NIH and NIDA Data Sharing Policies
- Use NIH RePORTER to see NIDA Genetics Portfolio
NIDA Resources:
- Distribution of Genetic Data and Biomaterials
- NIDA Genetics Study Center (biorepository)
- Compilation of Databases of Genetic Research Resources
- Udi Ghitza, Ph.D. - Co-Chair
- Amy Lossie, Ph.D. - Co-Chair
- Jonathan D. Pollock Ph.D. - Ex-officio
- John Satterlee, Ph.D. - Ex-officio
Mailing Address:
Amy Lossie, Ph.D.
Genetics and Epigenetics Cross-Cutting Research Team
National Institute on Drug Abuse
C/O NIH Mail Center
3WFN MSC 6018 Room 08C11
16071 Industrial Dr
Gaithersburg, MD 20892*
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(301) 827-6092
Fax: (301) 594-6043