What We Do:
The mission of the NIDA Brain Development Research Consortium is to foster translational science on brain development, cognition, behavior and functioning to advance the understanding of drug abuse and addiction, prevention, treatment and recovery within the scientific mission areas of NIDA.
The Brain Development Research Consortium includes a multidisciplinary group of NIDA staff representing diverse programs and offices working to enhance basic and clinical research on drug abuse by examining neurodevelopment, addiction and the complex interplay of contextual, behavioral, and genetic factors.
Research Areas of Interest:
- neonatal, fetal and pediatric biomarkers, drug exposure, abstinence and treatment;
- emotional regulation, attention, functoning and brain plasticity;
- critical developmental periods and pathways for vulnerability/resilience to drug abuse;>
- novel drug abuse prevention in diverse settings;
- drug abuse and psychiatric comorbidities across the life course;
- addiction, developmental risk and HIV;
- behavioral and pharmacological treatments for substance abuse in adolescence;
- pediatric and adolescent multisite clinical trials; and
- drug abuse recovery for youths and young adults.
- Da-Yu Wu - Chair
- Geetha Subramaniam, Co-Chair
Links of Interest to Multisite Research and Tools:
- National Consortium on Alcohol and NeuroDevelopment in Adolescence (NCANDA), funded by the NIAAA, NIMH, NICHD and NIDA is a multisite study to examine the effects of alcohol use on the developing adolescent brain and to determine brain characteristics that predict alcohol use.
- Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study will be the largest long-term study of cognitive and brain development in children across the United States.
- Pediatric Imaging, Neurocognition, and Genetics (PING) is a large MRI and genetics data resource shared openly with the scientific community that includes information about the developing mental and emotional functions of the children between the ages of 3 and 20 years so that links between genetic variation and developing patterns of brain connectivity can be examined.
- Monitoring the Future (MTF) Survey has measured drug, alcohol, and cigarette use and related attitudes among adolescent students nationwide since 1975.
- National Addiction & HIV Data Archive Program (NAHDAP) acquires, preserves and disseminates data relevant to drug addiction and HIV research.
- National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN) Dissemination Library is a digital repository of resources from NIDA's National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN).
- Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS) is a longitudinal cohort study investigating the long-term effects of HIV infection and ARV (antiretroviral) medications in children and young adults who were born with HIV or born exposed to HIV developed by NICHD and co-funded by NIDA, NIAAA, NIAID, NIDCD, NHBLI, NIMH, NIDS, and OAR.
- PhenX (consensus measures for Phenotypes and eXposures) Toolkit is a catalog of recommended, standard measures of phenotypes and environmental exposures for use in biomedical research. PhenX measures that are relevant to development, substance abuse and addiction (SAA) research are included in several research domains.
- NIH Toolbox is a multidimensional set of brief measures assessing cognitive, emotional, motor and sensory function from ages 3 to 85, meeting the need for a standard set of measures that can be used as a “common currency” across diverse study designs and settings.
NIDA Related Publication Resources:
- Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction
Published April 2007. Revised July 2014. Provides scientific information about the disease of drug addiction, including the many harmful consequences of drug abuse and the basic approaches that have been developed to prevent and treat the disease. En Español - Preventing Drug Use among Children and Adolescents (In Brief)
Published January 1997. Revised October 2003. Presents research-based drug abuse prevention principles, an overview of program planning, and critical first steps for those learning about prevention. - Principles of Adolescent Substance Use Disorder Treatment: A Research-Based Guide
Published January 2014. Revised January 2014. Presents research-based principles of adolescent substance use disorder treatment; covers treatment for a variety of drugs including, illicit and prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco; presents settings and evidence-based approaches unique to treating adolescents.
Past BDRC Associated Funding Announcements
- Advancing Research of Effect of Maternal Opioid Exposure on Developing Brain - NIDA continues to be interested in funding research on the effect of maternal opioid exposure on embryonic, fetal and post-natal brain development.
- Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Effects of Cannabis Use and Cannabinoids on the Developing Brain - The purpose of this Notice is to encourage investigators to submit grant applications to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)to study the effects of cannabis and cannabinoid exposure on the developing brain, from pre-, peri-, and post-natal development through young adulthood in humans and using animal models.
BDRC Members:
- Amy Lossie (DNB)
- Anne Tsai (DNB)
- Chloe Jordan (HBCD)
- Da-Yu Wu (DNB)
- Elizabeth Barfield (NIDA OD Science Policy)
- Elizabeth Hoffman (ABCD)
- Elizabeth Powell (NIAAA)
- Gaya Dowling (DER)
- Geetha Subramaniam (CCTN)
- Gerald McLaughlin (OER)
- Holly Moore (DNB)
- Janani Prabhakar (DNB)
- Jane Acri (DTMC)
- Jessica Cotto (OSPC)
- Jia Bei Wang (DTMC)
- John Satterlee (DNB)
- Jonathan Pollock (DNB)
- Julie Frost Bellgowan (OD)
- Katherine Cole (DER)
- Kathleen Borgmann (DNB)
- Katia Howlett (DER)
- Kimberly LeBlanc (ABCD/HBCD)
- Mary Kautz (DNB)
- Michelle Freund (ABCD)
- Rita Valentino (DNB)
- Roger Little (DNB)
- Sunila Nair (DNB)
- Susan Wright (DNB)
- Tsung-Ping Su (IRP)
- Udi Ghitza (CCTN)
- Xiaoming Wang (CCTN)