What We Do:
To enhance the pool of underrepresented populations in the sciences, the National Institute on Drug Abuse established the Office of Diversity and Health Disparities (ODHD) 20 years ago. The mission of the ODHD is to strengthen the NIDA extramural research portfolio through a more diverse and robust extramural research workforce, attracting and retaining talented individuals from all backgrounds, and to support research aimed at reducing health disparities in order to fulfill the mission of NIDA.
The ODHD’s goals are to:
- Recruit and retain underrepresented scholars and researchers actively participating in research.
- Enhance the pool of independently funded underrepresented scholars and researchers conducting substance use and addiction research.
- Develop strategies to reduce health disparities and improve the health of vulnerable populations.
ODHD Staff:
Contact Information:
Office of Diversity and Health Disparities
National Institute on Drug Abuse
C/O NIH Mail Center
3WFN MSC 6027
16071 Industrial Dr
Gaithersburg, MD 20892*
*(Use 20892 for U.S. Postal Service, 20877 for UPS and FedEx)