Directory of Investigators Interested in Genetics and Epigenetics of Substance Use Disorders

This information is provided to help facilitate collaborations among investigators interested in the Genetics and Epigenetics of Substance Use Disorders. If you are interested in having your contact information posted please email Jonathan D. Pollock, Ph.D. at

Name and E-mailInstitutionWeb SiteAdditional Details
Adeluyi, Yi-HsiangHarvard Medical School and Broad Institute NGS, GWAS, Non-coding variant function and targeted gene identification, 3D chromatin interactions, Gene regulatory circuits, Human primary cell gene regulatory landscapes, integrated genomics, AI-deep learning, musculoskeletal disorders, metabolic disorders, neurological and psychiatric disorders
Adeluyi, AdewaleUniversity of South Carolina College of Pharmacy  
Agrawal, ThomasLos Alamos National LaboratoryWeb siteMolecular evolution, molecular epidemiology, phylogeny, phylodynamics, HIV, infectious disease
Agrawal, ArpanaWashington University School of Medicine Identify genetic, neurobiological and environmental underpinnings of SUD and comorbid relationships
Ai, HuiwangUniversity of VirginiaWeb siteProtein based imaging sensors for metabolism and epigenetics
Akbarian, SchahramIcahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiWeb siteCell-type specific epigenome and chromosomal contact mapping in human brain, including from subjects diagnosed with substance abuse and psychosis
Akil, HudaUniversity of Michigan Genetic rodent models (rats and mice) of temperament and propensity to substance use and abuse, including opioids and psychostimulants. Whole genome and brain gene expression.
Alvarez-Carbonell, DavidCase Western Reserve University School of MedicineWeb siteOur research focuses on defining the molecular basis for HIV silencing, the signaling pathways used to reactivate latent HIV, the impact of drugs of abuse on the creation and reactivation of the latent viral reservoir in microglial cells, and the development of novel therapeutic approaches to attacking HIV latency.
Anholt, RobertClemson University Behavioral genetics of substance use in Drosophila
Anthony , James C. (Jim)Michigan State University "Novel phenotypes” & artificial intelligence and deep learning; high-dimension association analysis and risk prediction analysis methods development
Ariza-Nieto, MagnoliaepiWELL, LLC. Precision medicine diagnostic assays, aimed at improving the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of epigenetic abnormalities that cover a wide range of serious and life-threatening illnesses including dementias.
Arushi, VarshneyUniversity of MichiganWeb siteGenetics of Gene expression regulation using integrative computational analyses of large human omics datasets
Atem, FolefacUT Health Houston Concomitant disease and the association between parent and offspring in hereditary and environmental influence diseases
Bacanu, Silviu-AlinVirginia Commonwealth UniversityWeb sitePostGWAS statistical analysis tools using only summary statistics: transcriptomic, proteomic, epigenomic
Bagley, JaredBinghamton University Neurogenetics of substance use disorders and related traits
Barr, PeterVirginia Commonwealth UniversityWeb siteGene-environment interplay for substance use disorders
Baurley, JamesBioRealm LLCWeb sitePrediction of SUD biomarkers and outcomes from genotypes and clinical data
Beam, TeresaManchester University Pharmacogenetics of addiction
Ben-Shahar, YehudaWashington University in St. LouisWeb siteDrosophila neurogenetics, genetics of socioality, Drosophila as a model for the cellular basis for addiction
Benca-Bachman, ChelsieEmory UniversityWeb siteBehavioral genetics of psychopathology, cognition, and substance use
Bergen, AndrewOregon Research Institute; BioRealm, LLC Epidemiology (clinical, genetic, molecular, pharmaco-) of Pain and Tobacco and Opioid Use Disorders and Treatment
Bi, JinboUniversity of ConnecticutWeb siteMachine learning algorithm design and analysis of genetic and neurobiological data to understand substance use disorders
Bidlack, JeanUniversity of RochesterWeb siteFibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21), KLB, behavioral genetics, opioids
Bielas, StephanieUniversity of Michigan  
Bierut, Laura JeanWashington University in St. LouisWeb siteGenetic discovery, population genetics, genetic regulation, pharmacogenetics for substance use disorder
Bogue, MollyThe Jackson LaboratoryWeb siteMouse Phenome Database (MPD)
Brennan, CarolineQueen Mary, University of LondonWeb siteZebrafish; nicotine; behavioural genetics
Briand, LisaTemple UniversityWeb siteGlutamate receptor trafficking in mouse models of cocaine use disorder
Brieño-Enriquez, MiguelUniversity Of Pittsburgh/ Magee-Womens Research Institute Mammalian Reproduction/ Meiosis/ Gaametogenesis/Transgenerational effects
Bryant, CamronBoston University School of MedicineWeb siteSystems genetic analysis of addiction traits in mice
Bubier, JasonThe Jackson LaboratoryWeb siteMicrobiome, opioid respiratory depression, QTL, Complex Traits, Cross Species Functional genomics
Byrareddy, SiddappaUniversity of Nebraska Medical CenterWeb siteHIV/SIV/SHIV, neuroAIDS, transmission, drugs of abuse, HIV cure, gut homing molecules, immunotherapy,
Cai, HainiUniversity of GeorgiaWeb siteDevelopmental gene regulation, chromatin structure and epigenetic mechanisms
Cates, HannahIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Human and rodent epigenetics/transcriptomics/genetics of SUD; in vivo studies + in silico analysis of my and publicly available datasets
Chakraborty, NabarunDoD/ USACEHR/WRAIR  
Chandra, RameshUniversity Of Maryland, BaltimoreWeb siteWorking toward translational studies to uncover novel molecular targets and brain circuits that can be targeted for antidepressant and anti-addiction therapies
Chatzinakos, ChristosVirginia Commonwealth UniversityWeb site 
Chen, ChaopingColorado State UniversityWeb siteHIV-1 protease autoprocessing mechanism and drug discovery
Chen, RenchaoBoston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical SchoolWeb site 
Chen, JixinOhio UniversityWeb siteSingle-molecule fluorescence imaging; genome optical mapping.
Chen, ShuoUniversity of Mayrland, School of MedicineWeb siteBiostatistics, machine learning, statistical modeling for imaging and genetics with application to mental disorder and addiction
Chen, ShuoUniversity of Maryland, School of MedicineWeb siteBiostatistics, machine learning, statistical modeling for imaging and genetics with application to mental disorder and addiction
Chen, HaoUniversity of Tennessee Health Science Center Behavioral genetics; rat genome analysis; rat models of substance abuse; nicotine self-administration (role of social learning, menthol as a conditioned cue); oral oxycodone self-administration;
Chesler, ElissaThe Jackson LaboratoryWeb siteBehavioral genetics and genomics, multi-species convergent bioinformatics, systems genetics and advanced mouse populations in addiction, alcohol, pain and other behaviors, sex differences
Chidambaran, VidyaCincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center Psychosocial, genomic and epigenetic factors influencing acute and chronic postsurgical pain
Choquet, HélèneKaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC), Division of Research, Oakland, CAWeb siteHuman genetics of complex traits and disorders, including alcohol and tobacco use, and substance abuse
Ciborowski, PawelUniversity of Nebraska Medical Center HIV, epigenetics, systems biology
Collins, GregUniversity of Texas Health Science Center at San AntonioWeb siteBehavioral pharmacology, compulsive drug self-administration, addiction-like phenotypes in rats
Conrad, DonOregon Health & Science UniversityWeb siteHuman genetics, rare disease, structural variation, non-human primate models
Corradin, OliviaWhitehead Institute for Biomedical researchWeb siteNoncoding variants in human disease, impact of haplotypes on gene expression and disease risk
Crane, HeidiUniversity of Washington, Harborview Medical Center 325 9th Ave, Box 359931, Seattle, WA 98104 Substance use and comorbidities among PLWH
Crist, RichardUniversity of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Pharmacogenetics/pharmacogenomics of methadone and buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder
Cruchaga, CarlosWashington University School of MedicineWeb siteMulti-omics, system biology and Mendelian randomization to identify novel targets and biomarkers
Czachowski, CristineIndiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis Behavioral pharmacology/rodent models of alcohol reinforcement
Damaj, M. ImadVirginia Commonwealth University Behavioral genetics of nicotine dependence mouse models- Behavioral genetics of Pain and neuropathy.
Dapp, MichaelUniversity of WashingtonWeb siteHIV-1 latency and persistence, HIV-1 reservoirs, methamphetamine abuse
Datta, UditaThe Jackson LaboratoryWeb sitePsychostimulant addiction; neurobiology of addiction; biobehavioral risk factors; pharmacogenetics
Dick, DanielleVirginia Commonwealth UniversityWeb siteGenes and environmental influences on substance use outcomes and externalizing behaviors
Dickson, PriceThe Jackson LaboratoryWeb siteSystems genetics of addiction
Ding, Yu-ShinNew York University School of Medicine Protein-based in vivo molecular imaging
Dracheva, StellaIcahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiWeb siteCell type-specific epigenetics [DNA (h)methylation, histone modifications, RNA editing] in healthy and diseased human brain: substance use disorders, schizophrenia, depression.
Duan, JubaoUniversity of Chicago/NorthShore University HealthSysWeb site 
Dumond, JulieUNC-Chapel Hill Antiretroviral pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics, pharmacology of aging, sex differences
Edenberg, HowardIndiana Univ School of Medicine Genetics of complex diseases, especially substance use disorders and bipolar disorder; Psychiatric Genomics Consortium
Ehringer, MarissaUniversity of Colorado BoulderWeb siteHuman genetics of addiction, mouse models of addiction-related behaviors
El-Hage, NaziraFlorida International University Autophagy, genetic and epigenetic regulation in HIV/substance abuse, neuroinflammation, humanized mouse model, nanomedicine
Elam, KitArizona State University Using polgenic risk scores to study evocative gene-environment correlations in pathways to substance use
Elam, BuchananUniversity of Rhode Island Biostatistics, epidemiology, HIV
Fabris, DanUniversity at AlbanyWeb siteEpitranscriptomics; technologies for identification/characterization of RNA modifications; interactions between HIV infection and drugs of abuse
Fantegrossi, BillUniversity of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS)Web siteBehavioral pharmacology of emerging drugs of abuse in mice and rats; reinforcing effects; discriminative stimulus effects; tolerance, dependence and withdrawal
Farris, SeanThe University of Texas at AustinWeb siteBehavioral genetics and genomics studies across species
Feng, JianFlorida State UniversityWeb siteEpigenetic regulation (especially DNA modifications and higher order genome organization) of addiction
Ferreira, YvetteGolden Gateway Partners  
Flaherty, PatrickUniversity of Massachusetts AmherstWeb siteStatistics, pharmacogenomics, machine learning, bioinformatics
Flentke, GeorgeUNC Nutrition Research CenterWeb siteGenetics of alcohol preference, metabolism; prenatal alcohol exposure
Freet, ChristopherPenn State University College of Medicine fNIR imaging and cue-induced activation in SUD
Fries, GabrielUniversity of Texas Health Science Center at HoustonWeb siteDNA methylation and hydroxymethylation; post-mortem brain tissue; suicide
Gao, Wen-JunDrexel University College of MedicineWeb siteSynaptic signaling and regulation of prefrontal cortex: impact on cognition and social behaviors
Garavan, HughUniversity of VermontWeb siteFunctional and structural imaging of addiction
Garcia Gonzalez, JuditQueen Mary, University of LondonWeb siteZebrafish; statistical genetics; nicotine; psychosis; psychiatric commorbidities
Gautam, AartiU S Army Center for Environmental Health Research Systems biology, PTSD, stress, data analysis, epigenetics, addiction
Geurts, AronMedical College of WisconsinWeb siteGenetic engineering, especially creating transgenic and gene knockout/knockin rat models
Ghanbari, RezaUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel HillWeb siteMetabolomics Analysis of Opium Abusers Using Untargeted Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS)
Goldberg, LisaPenn State UniversityWeb siteSystems genetics, behavioral genetics, mouse models of addiction
Gould, ThomasPenn State UniversityWeb siteNicotine, Alcohol, addiction, learning
Govind, VaranUniversity of Miami, Miami Substance use (alcohol, marijuana, opioid, etc.) , HIV, Neurodegenerative diseases (ALS, Alzheimer's disease), MRI (DTI, DKI, MRS, etc.), Microbiomes
Grahame, NicholasIndiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis Behavioral genetics of alcohol and drug abuse using animal models
Grassi-Oliveira, RodrigoPontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) Cocaine, Trauma, Epigenetics, Translational, Women, Early Life Stress, HIV, Childhood Maltreatment, Immunology
Grisel, JudyBucknell UniversityWeb siteFactors influencing the neural liability (causes, not consequences) of addiction
Guda, BabuUniversity of Nebraska Medical CenterWeb siteComputational analysis of multi-omics datasets, bioinforamtics and systems biology
Hammamieh, RashaUS Army Medical Research and Materiel Command PTSD, animal models, systems biologym, pain, stress, multi-omics, epigenetics, metbolomics
Hamra, F. KentUT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas Rat Genetic Engineering, Rat Genetics, Germline Gene Targeting, Spermatogenesis, Reproductive Endocrinology
Han, Kyung-AnUniversity of Texas at El PasoWeb siteBehavioral plasticity, inhibitory control, impulsivity, alcohol abuse and addiction, dementia, neuromodulatory mechanisms, gene-environmental interactions, pavlovian and operant conditioning, behavioral disinhibition, sensitization
Hancock, DanaRTI InternationalWeb site 
Hardiman, GaryQueens University Belfast, Northern IrelandWeb site 
Harris, AndrewHennepin Healthcare Research Institute; University of MinnesotaWeb sitePreclinical models of individual differences in opioid dependence
Heller, ElizabethUniversity of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Med.Web siteNeuroepigenetics; Preclinical models of SUDs, Stress/Depression, Learning/Memory
Hinds, TerryUniversity of Toledo Health Science Campus My lab investigates nuclear receptors, which are ligand-activated transcription factors that control a myriad of genetics as a response to nutrition and metabolism. Over the past several years, and currently, we have been studying how nutrients from the diet and stress hormones (fatty acids, glucocorticoids, e.g., cortisol) regulate obesity and diabetes. Recently, we discovered an unexpected role for bilirubin as a ligand for nuclear receptors (PPARalpha) to attenuate metabolic diseases. Before our findings, bilirubin was only considered as an antioxidant and toxic bile substance with no other signaling function. We are interested in the bilirubin liver-gut signaling axis and how the microbiome catabolism of bilirubin in obesity and alcohol-induced liver damage. New work in my lab has found electronic cigarette (E-cig)-nicotine induced metabolic dysfunction (via nuclear receptors) from an altered liver-brain signaling axis. Nicotine addiction and insulin-resistant diabetic pathways for unknown reasons have some overlapping signaling mechanisms, and we are interested in how these relate to metabolic dysfunction. Overall, my lab looks at how nuclear receptors signal for organismal metabolic balance and glucose homeostasis.
Hoffman, PaulaUniv of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, PharmacologyWeb siteTranscriptome, networks, hybrid rat diversity panel, alcohol related phenotypes
Hoffman, WilliamVA Portland Health Care System; Oregon Health & Science University Methamphetamine Use Disorder, Alcohol Use Disorder, Co-addiction, neuroimaging and machine learning techniques to classify diagnosis and predict outcomes. TAAR1 genetic influences on MA craving and neuroimaging.
Hofford, RebeccaIcahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiWeb siteEnvironmental factors contributing to substance use generally; microbiome-gut-brain axis signaling in addiction specifically
Hong, MingiIcahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiWeb siteGene-environmental interaction during craniofacial midline development; especially roles of Cdon and its interactions with alcohol
Hu, GuokuUniversity of Nebraska Medical CenterWeb siteSubstance use disorders; exosomes, non-coding RNAs
Iwase, ShigekiUniversity of Michigan Medical SchoolWeb siteHistone methylation dynamics in the brain
Jee, ChanghoonUniversity of Tennessee Health Science CenterWeb siteGenetics and behavior; Neuromodulation of compulsive behavior (sexual compulsion, compulsive alcohol seeking, nicotine preference)
Jentsch, J. DavidBinghamton UniversityWeb siteNeurocircuitry and genetics of impulsivity, reinforcement learning and drug self-administration
Johnson, Eric OttoRTI InternationalWeb siteGenetics and gene regulation; Opioid Addiction, Nicotine Dependence, HIV
Johnson, EmmaWashington University School of Medicine Human genetics, substance use genetics, comorbidity of substance use disorders and other psychopathology
Jones, JermaineColumbia University Medical CenterWeb siteAbuse potential of Opioids/Medications Development/Pharmacogenetics
Kamens, HelenPenn State UniversityWeb siteGenetic and environmental factors that contribute to substance use
Kaprio, JaakkoUniversity of HelsinkiWeb siteGenetics, epigenetics & genetic epidemiology of alcohol and nicotine
Karam, CalineColumbia University Genetics, molecular and cellular biology of psychostimulant action
Karam, CalineColumbia University Genetics, molecular and cellular biology of psychostimulant action
Karn, JonathanCase Western Reserve University School of MedicineWeb siteEpigenetic control of HIV transcription, viral latency, HIV Cure
Kashanchi, FatahGeorge Mason UniversityWeb siteHuman retroviruses, exosomes, Cannabidiol, Humanized Mouse model, Proteomics
Kaul, MarcusUniversity of California Riverside, School of MedicineWeb siteCellular & molecular mechanisms of neurocognitive impairment and brain injury induced by HIV-infection and drug abuse, strategies of neuroprotection, translational research
Kechris, KaterinaUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus  
Kennedy, PamelaUniversity of California, Los Angeles  
Kenny, PaulIcahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiWeb siteMolecular and cellular biology of drug addiction and alcoholism
Kidambi, SrivatsanUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnWeb siteBiomimetic Brain Models; Astrocytes and Neurons co-culture; Metabolism; Mitochondria
Kim, Sam-MoonUniversity of PittsburghWeb siteGenetic mechanisms underlying circadian rhythms and addiction
Krupitsky, EvgenyNational Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology, St.-Petersburg, Russia Pharmacogenetics of alcoholism and addictions
Ksinan, AlbertVirginia Commonwealth UniversityWeb siteBehavior genetics, alcohol use among youth, genetic basis of externalizing behavior, developmental psychology
Kumar, VivekThe Jackson LaboratoryWeb siteMutagenesis methods, genomics, positional cloning, statistical genetics, computer vision, machine learning
Kumari, MeenaKansas State UniversityWeb siteDrugs of abuse and role of exosomes, RNA binding proteins and alcohol addiction
Kumari, MeenaKansas State UniversityWeb siteAlcohol addiction, opioid addiction, cannabis effects on brain cells, mRNA stability, exosomes
Lappalainen, TuuliNew York Genome Center & Columbia UniversityWeb siteMolecular effects of genetic variants in the human genome
Lawson, KaycieBeth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Effects of Methamphetamine on HIV-1 pathobiology
Lawson, GangUniversity of Washington, Biomedical Informatics and Medical EducationWeb siteHealth informatics (software system design/development and data analytics), big data, information retrieval, database systems, data mining, and machine learning
Lee, SulggiUniversity of California San FranciscoWeb siteHIV+ meth use and viral transcription/reservoir
Lencz, ToddZucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell  
Levine, AlanCase Western Reserve UniversityWeb siteSubstance abuse and the immune response
Levy, MatthewAddictID Development of genomic microarray targeted specifically for SUD research
Li, YanchunDrexel University College of MedicineWeb site 
Li, JunUniversity of MichiganWeb siteRat models of metabolic traits or substance abuse, germline mutation patterns in the human genome, single-cell genomic data analysis, cancer evolution in AML and TNBC, genetics of rare disorders
Liang, XiaoyuYale University Genetic and epigenetics on alcohol misuse, methodology development for population genetics.
Liddelow, ShaneNYU School of MedicineWeb siteOverall focus: comparison of glial cell function in physiology and pathology. NIDA specific focus: effects of DOA on astrocytes
Liu, YunlongIndiana UniversityWeb siteGenomics, bioinformatics, gene regulation
Liu, JingyuMind Research NetworkWeb siteGenetic and epigenetic association, contribution to brain imaging phenotypes associated with substance use and behavior
Liu, DajiangPenn State College of MedicineWeb siteStatistical genetics method development; functional and integrative genomics for understanding mechanisms of GWAS loci; GWAS meta-analysis for addiction related traits;
Liu, PhilipMass General Hospital and the Harvard Medical School We develop nanoparticle-directed gene imaging for neurological disorders and therapies. Current animal models are cerebral ischemia, drug addiction, retinal repair.Nanoparticles target and detect intracellular DNA (genes), mRNA (expression), miR and proteins of the CNS.
Logan, RyanUniversity of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Genomics, epigenetics, addiction and circadian rhythms
Lomniczi, AlejandroOregon Health & Science University Epigenetics and neuroendocrine development
Loraine, AnnaUniversity of North Carolina at CharlotteWeb siteInteractive visualization of human and model organism genetic data
Lu, QingMichigan State UniversityWeb siteArtificial intelligence and deep learning; high-dimension association analysis and risk prediction analysis of substance use and dependence genetic data
Luo, RuiUniversity of Memphis To identify the epigenetic change which influence by maternal and grandmaternal smoking
Ma, CharlesUniversity of Maryland School of Public Health Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, multi-omics, machine learning, high-dimensional data analysis, variable selection
Mackey, ScottUniversity of Vermont Neuroimaging, imaging genetics, brain endophenotypes
Maher, BrionJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Human genetics/epigenetics of SUDs primarily in PWIDs
Mahmoudi, MortezaHarvard Medical School; Michigan State University Nanomedicine; development of new approaches to analyze blood plasma proteins for early detection of disease; sensor array technologies
Maixner, WilliamDuke UniversityWeb siteTranslational Pain Medicine
Mallard, TravisUniversity of Texas at Austin Behavioral/statistical genetics of substance use and serious mental illness
Manzoni-D’Arpino, AimeeAddiction Policy ForumWeb siteSubstance Use Disorder education and advocacy
Manzoni-D’Arpino, ThomasWake Forest School of Medicine Addiction, pain mechanisms
Marcondes, Maria CeciliaSan Diego Biomedical Research InstituteWeb siteNeurological and metabolic disorders in individuals with HIV and in substance users
Markunas, ChristinaRTI InternationalWeb siteEpigenetics; Genetics; DNA methylation biomarker development of substance use; Epigenetic effects of paternal exposures
Martin-Fardon, RemiScripps ResearchWeb siteNeurobiological basis of chronic vulnerability to relapse
Mash, DeborahNova Southeastern University Patel College of Medicine Transcriptomics of Substance Use Disorders; Human Brain Biorepository
Mayfield, R. DayneThe University of Texas at AustinWeb siteGenetics and transcriptomics of substance use disorders
Mckiver, BryanVirginia Commonwealth University Behavioral genetics of nicotine dependence mouse models- Behavioral genetics of Pain and neuropathy.
McLaren, PaulUniversity of Manitoba Genetics of immune regulation and susceptibility to infection
Mergia, AyalewUniversity of Florida Genetics and Epigenetics of HIV, Foamy virus
Metpally, RaghuGeisinger Health SystemsLinkedInGenetics and Epigenetics of Opioid and other substance use disorders
Mews, PhilippIcahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiWeb siteEpigenetic mechanisms of addiction and learning/memory
Miles, MichaelVirginia Commonwealth University Genetic regulation of brain regional gene expression networks in ethanol and nicotine behaviors, genetics of ethanol-induced analgesia
Miranda, ManuelUniversity of Texas at El Paso Cell Biology of Basal ganglia anatomy and transporters
Mitchell, SuzanneOregon Health & Science UniversityWeb siteGenetics associated with impulsive decision-making (delay discounting, risk-taking), inhibition, effort-related decision-making; overlap with genes linked to SUDs.
Mngqibisa, RosieEnhancing Care FoundationWeb siteHIV and its comorbidities, AIDS, TB, behavioural research,
Mohan, MaheshTulane National Primate Research Center, Tulane University Epigenetics of HIV/SIV induced chronic inflammation and Gastrointestinal (GI) dysfunction. Investigating the effect of cannabinoids and cocaine on HIV induced GI and neuroinflammation and lymphoid fibrosis using the SIV infected rhesus macaque model of AIDS
Morris, KevinThe City of Hope  
Moszczynska, AnnaWayne State University Methamphetamine addiction and neurotoxicity, molecular and epigenetic mechanisms
Mulligan, MeganUniversity of Tennessee Health Science CenterWeb siteGenetics of drug response and substance use disorders
Mummidi, SrinivasUniversity of Texas Rio Grande Valley Genetics and Epigenetics of HIV and Complex Diseases, Functional Genomics
Murdoch, DavidDuke Univ Medical CenterWeb siteDrugs of abuse in HIV infection, transcriptomics of immunity and immunomodulation
Namiranian, KhodadadKaiser Permanente Population-based study for opioid use
Nechaev, SergeiUniversity of North Dakota School of MedicineWeb siteTranscription regulation and epigenetic mechanisms in breast cancer. Small RNA profiling. Transcriptomics
Nestler, EricIcahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiWeb siteTranscriptional and epigenetic mechanisms of stimulant and opioid addiction
Norden-Krichmar, TrinaUniversity of California, IrvineWeb siteBioinformatics; genetic factors; gene expression analysis; methylation; computational drug discovery; addiction; alcohol-induced liver disease
Odegaard, KatherineUniversity of Nebraska Medical Center Drugs of abuse, HIV, extracellular vesicles
Otis, JeffGeorgia State University Alcoholic myopathy, HIV myopathy, skeletal muscle regeneration
Pagliusi, MarcoUniversity of Maryland Baltimore Cell subtype transcriptional, stress effects on behavior, pain
Palmer, RohanEmory UniversityWeb siteBehavioral and genetic studies of addiction and related behaviors/traits + Integrative and predicitive genetic models of complex traits/diseases.
Palmer, AbrahamUniversity of California San DiegoWeb siteBehavioral genetics studies in mice, rats and humans. Examining both traits explicitly related to drug use, and also traits like impulsivity that are known risk factors (endophenotypes) for drug abuse
Palumbo, SarahFlorida Atlantic University Genetics and epidemiology of Opioid Use Disorder
Pan, Ying-XianMemorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Canter Mechanisms and functions of mu opioid receptor splice variants in opioid pharmacology
Peltz, GaryStanford University Medical SchoolWeb site 
Pendergrass, SarahGeisinger Research Pharmacogenomics, Genetic Epidemiology, Bioinformatics
Pendyala, GuruduttUniversity of Nebraska Medical Center Neuroinflammation associated with long-term use of psychostimulant drugs (methamphetamine, nicotine) at the synapse; Prenatal drug exposure and synaptic development; Application of novel anti-inflammatory drugs; sex differences, high throughput omics approaches, systems biology
Pereira, MarianaUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst Parenting and drug abuse
Periyasamy, PalsamyUniversity of Nebraska Medical CenterWeb siteDrugs of abuse, HIV, autophagy, endoplasmic reticulum stress, epigenetics, microRNAs
Peter, IngaIcahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiWeb siteGenetic Epidemiology, Pharmacogenomics, Microbiome, HIV
Pfenning, AndreasCarnegie Mellon UniversityWeb siteMachine Learning, Cell type-specific genomics, Massively Parallel Reporter Assays, GWAS Analysis
Pogun, SakireEge University, Izmir/Turkey Nicotine preferring and not-preferring rat lines
Polimanti, RenatoYale University School of MedicineWeb siteHuman Genetics, Complex Traits, Biological Psychiatry, Computational Biology
Pozhidayeva, Dar’yaOregon Health & Science University Drug abuse, RNA Seq, Genetics, Bioinformatics
Radcliffe, RichardUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Genetic basis of drug addiction and alcoholism
Reiner, BenjaminUniversity of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Genetic basis of addiction and psychiatric disease, role of L1 retrotransposons in addiction and psychiatric disease
Rice, JohnWashington University Statistical genetics
Richards, TamaraOregon Health & Science UniversityWeb siteGenetic dissection of traits associated with risk for alcohol and drug use disorders
Rodriguez, MyosotysFlorida International University HIV, autophagy, opiates, nanomedicine, epigenetics
Rogers, JimUniversity of Nebraska - Omaha Computational/mathematical modeling and analysis of large-scale biochemical networks
Rosenblum, Daniel M.Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark NJ Biostatistician; long-term multidisciplinary epidemiologic studies of demographically diverse substance use disorder cohorts; alcohol; opioids; tobacco
Saba, LauraUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical CampusWeb siteSystems genetics, transcriptomics, multi-omics analysis, rodent genetic panels
Sabunciyan, SarvenJohns Hopkins University The role of the transcriptome in psychiatric disorders with an emphasis on non-canonical RNAs such as expressed repetitive element sequences and extracellular mRNAs.
Sanchez, MarEmory University (& Yerkes National Primate Research Ctr) Early life stress as a risk factor for substance use disorders in nonhuman primates, during adolescence and young adulthood.
Sanchez-Roige, SandraUniversity of California San Diego Genetics of substance use disorders and related-phenotypes (including impulsivity) in humans, and functional validation using animal models.
Sanghera, DharambirUniversity of Oklahoma Health Sciences CenterWeb siteGenome-metabolome studies of opioid efficacy and dependence in humans and animals
Sartor, GregoryUniversity of ConnecticutWeb siteDrugs of abuse, epigenetics, cell type-specific analysis, behavioral pharmacology
Saul, MichaelThe Jackson LaboratoryWeb siteFunctional genomics; psychostimulant addiction; biobehavioral risk factors; genetically diverse mice
Schnall, RebeccaColumbia University Behavioral Health Interventions, mHealth technology
Shtutman, MichaelUniversity of South Carolina HIV/AIDS and Drugs of Abuse, Neuro AIDS, Neuroinflammation, Data mining, Text Mining, Functional genomics
Shu, ChangYale School of Medicine Epigenetics of drug use, statistical genetics, machine learning
Slavotinek, AnneUniversity of California, San Francisco Zebrafish models of eye defects
Smith, DesmondUniversity of California, Los Angeles Mammalian complex trait genetics
Smith, KarenUniversity of Louisiana at LafayetteWeb siteBrain development and behavior. Main areas include Fgfr signaling in brain development and function, astrocyte biology, and endogenous opioid signaling in self injurious behaviors
Smith, SusanUNC Nutrition Research Institute Genetics of alcohol preference, metabolism; prenatal alcohol exposure; precision nutrition
Smith, RyanUniversity of IowaWeb siteIdentifying novel anti-addiction drug targets and biomarkers using genomics, genetics, and epigenetics; developing the serotonin 2A receptor as an anti-stimulant drug target
Solesio, TorregrosaMaria de la Encarnacion  
Stitzel, JerryUniversity of Colorado BoulderWeb siteMolecular and behavioral genetics of nicotine sensitivity in mice
Su, JinniVirginia Commonwealth UniversityWeb siteGene-environment interaction; alcohol and substance use in culturally diverse populations
Sump, BethanyNorthwestern UniversityWeb siteOrganization of the genome and impacts of organization on expression levels
Tabakoff, BorisUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Transcriptome, networks/systems, Hybrid Rat Diversity Panel, alcohol use disorders
Talal, AndrewUniversity at Buffalo, SUNYWeb siteInnovative approaches to engage substance users in research and treatment for liver disease
Tarantino, LisaUniversity of North Carolina, Chapel HillWeb siteMouse forward genetics, addiction, cocaine, psychostimulants, stress, complex trait analysis
Thangavel, SamikkannuTexas A&M University Health Science Center HIV/AIDS and Drugs of Abuse, Neuro AIDS and Epigenetic Modification
Tischfield, JayRutgers New Brunswick Opioid receptors, alcohol abuse, Tourette Disorder
Trampush, JoeyUniversity of Southern California (USC)Web siteCognitive genomics; ADHD; GWAS; schizophrenia; substance abuse in psychopathology; neurodevelopment
Troiani, VanessaGeisinger Motivated behavior, neurocognitive phenotypes of addiction, genetics, neuroimaging
Trujillo, CleberUniversity of California San Diego Stem cells, neurodevelopment, disease modeling, drug of abuse and neurotransmission
Turner, JillUniversity of Kentucky College of PharmacyWeb siteDrugs of abuse, affective disorders, cognitive impairment, cell-specfic transcriptomes
Tyagi, MuditThomas Jefferson UniversityWeb siteDrugs of abuse, Neuro-HIV, Molecular and Epigenetic mechanisms regulating HIV l transcription and latency, besides impact of drugs of abuse on HIV life cycle.
Tyndale, RachelUniversity of Toronto and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Drugs of abuse, smoking, genetics, pharmacogenomcs, drug metabolism
Vallender, EricUniversity of Mississippi Medical CenterWeb siteComparative genomics, nonhuman primate genetic models, evolutionary genetics, gene expression, functional genomics
Vassileva, JasminVirginia Commonwealth UniversityWeb siteNeurocognitive and computational phenotypes of addictions; impulsivity in opioid and stimulant use disorders; prevention neuroscience
Verhulst, BradMichigan State University Structural Equation Modeling GWAS, phenotyping for drug abuse
Viola, ThiagoPontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) Cocaine, Trauma, Epigenetics, Translational, Women, Early Life Stress, HIV, Childhood Maltreatment, Immunology
Vrieze, ScottUniversity of MinnesotaWeb siteGenetic association in humans and transgenic mice, nicotine, alcohol, marijuana. Quasi-experimental designs to test environmental effects on substance use/dependence development
Wager, TorUniversity of Colorado, Boulder; Dartmouth College  
Walss-Bass, ConsueloUniversity of Texas Health Science Center at HoustonWeb siteMolecular mechanisms of psychiatric and addiction disorders utilizing postmortem brain and iPS cells
Wang, QunIowa State UniversityWeb siteTissue engineering based on stem cells, biomaterials mediated stem cells reprogramming, and cell-mediated drug delivery
Wang, Li-SanUniversity of PennsylvaniaWeb siteGenetics and genomics of Alzheimer's disease; bioinformatics for large genomic data
Weathington, NathanielUniversity of PittsburghWeb siteThe impact and mechanism of drug action on immune cell metabolism with attention to cell biology and epigenetics as well as patient outcomes and genetic predisposition
Weinstock, GeorgeThe Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine Genomics, genetics, microbiology, microbiome, bioinformatics, applications to human disease, mouse models
Weiss, Stanley H.Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark NJ Long-term multidisciplinary epidemiologic studies of demographically diverse substance use disorder cohorts with linked repository and >30 years follow-up; HIV, AIDS, HCV, Cancer, Asthma, opioids, tobacco, ENDS, cocaine, HTLV-II, genetics, social determinants of disease, healthcare policy, epidemiology, alcohol
Williams, BrennaColumbia University Medical Center, Molecular Therapeutics Genetics, molecular and cellular biology of psychostimulant action
Williams, Robert W.University of Tennessee Health Science CenterWeb siteGenetics of addiction in rodent models, web services for genetics and genomic, rat and mouse whole genome sequencing and brain transcriptome analysis
Williams-Nguyen, JessicaFred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Human gut microbiome, liver disease, people living HIV, Hispanic/Latino health
Wilson, KatherineJohns Hopkins University School of MedicineWeb site 
Wimmer, MathieuTemple UniversityWeb siteDelineating the epigenetic mechanisms underlying addiction susceptibility using multi-generational rodent models
Wolf, FredUC MercedWeb siteAlcohol brain plasticity, motivated behavior, genes and circuits
Wolstenholme, JenniferVirginia Commonwealth UniversityWeb siteadolescence, alcohol, stress, epigenetics, genomics
Won, HyejungUniversity of North Carolina, Chapel HillWeb siteHi-C, psychiatric genetics, gene regulatory networks in the human brain
Woo, ChristinaHarvard UniversityWeb siteBinding site hotspot mapping of small molecules in the proteome (opioids, glycans)
Wood, MarceloUniversity of California, IrvineWeb siteEpigenetic mechanisms underlying memory, addiction, and age-related cognitive function
Xie, HanLabomeWeb siteValidated Antibody Database. We compile a database of validated antibodies through manual curation of antibody applications from over 60,000 formal publications, with a focus on monoclonal antibodies and knockout validation.
Xie, LeiThe City University of New YorkWeb siteDevelopment of new methods in machine learning, biophysics, and systems biology and their applications to precision medicine, drug discovery, and causal genotype-phenotype association in neurological disorders.
Xu, KeYale University Epigenetic effects of drug abuse in HIV-positive individuals, identify genetic and epigenetic features to predict medical outcomes in the context of drug abuse
Yadid, GalBar Ilan UniversityWeb siteIntegrated program for personalized medicine for addiction, PTSD and depression using epigenetic, microbiome psychologic parameters
Yadid, AnanthPurdue University, Computer ScienceWeb siteModels and methods for analyses of transcriptional and epigenetic controls.
Yang, ShashaDrexel College of MedicineWeb siteHow long range-inputs regulate the maduration of PFC interneurons during development
Ye, FengchunCase Western Reserve UniversityWeb siteMechanisms of HIV latency and reactivation in microglia and HIV-associated neuron degeneration
Yilmazer-Hanke, DenizUlm University, GermanyWeb siteBehavioral genetics, candidate genes for posttraumatic stress disorder (GWAS), noradrenergic system
Yu, XuMassachusetts General Hospital Characterize the chromosomal position and chromatin structure of intact proviruses in HIV-1-infected drug users.
Zhang, JinfengFlorida State University Bioinformatics, computational biology, data mining, machine learning, biological networks, text mining, protein structure analysis, protein interactions, epigenetics.
Zhang, WeiNorthwestern UniversityWeb siteBioinformatics, epigenetics, biomarker, liquid biopsy
Zhang, MikeVirginia Tech Vaccine development against psychoactive compounds
Zhang, BoWashington University in St. LouisWeb siteBioinformatics, epigenetics.
Zhang, XinyuYale University Bioinformatics, epigenetics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, biomarker, translational bioinformatics
Zhang, LiUniversity of Texas at DallasWeb siteMolecular biology, genetics, cell biology, heme biology, omics,
Zheng, DeyouAlbert Einstein College of MedicineWeb siteBioinformatics, functional genomics, systems genomics, transcriptome
Zhong, ShupingUniversity of Southern California Deregulation of Non-coding RNA, Pol III gene transcription of cancer, histone modification regulation of Brf1 and Pol III genes, alcohol and cancers
Zhu, JianOhio State UniversityWeb siteEpigenetic regulation of HIV persistence and inflammation compounded by drug abuse
Zhu, ChunjiangUniversity of ConnecticutWeb siteMachine/Deep Learning and Statistical Modeling on Heterogeneous Data to Better Understand Mental Disorders and Substance Use Disorders
Zhuang, XiaoxiThe University of ChicagoWeb siteSynaptic mechanisms supporting reinforcement learning and economic decision making. Genetic models of disease. Our main approaches include mouse genetics, fly genetics, animal learning paradigms, electrophysiology, biochemistry and RNA-seq.
Peng, XinxiaNC State UniversityWeb siteBioinformatics, genomics, infectious diseases, immunology, microbiome