What We Do:
MAB performs the following functions:
- Develops policies, practices, and procedures, and monitors implementation of management and administrative policies for the Institute;
- Provides advice and/or recommendations on management and administrative policies for the Institute;
- Designs, develops, and performs management studies, analyses, surveys, reports, and related activities to improve management efficiencies, resource allocations, and policy compliance;
- Prepares staff papers and reports on management and administrative issues at the request of Institute staff and in response to requirements from NIH and DHHS;
- Coordinates, analyzes, and provides advice on all organization change proposals for the Institute;
- Administers and coordinates the Institute-wide performance management and appraisal program;
- Serves as liaison for the Institute with respect to investigational reviews (e.g., GAO, OIG, OMA);
- Works with management to address and resolve administrative and operational issues which impact employees, performance, morale and the work environment;
- Serves as liaison for the Institute on a variety of other issues including HR, EEO, and Quality of Work life;
- Manages and acts as the point of contact for the NIH mandated training programs;
- Maintains manual issuance and delegation of authority systems;
- Coordinates the Institute Records Management program;
- Coordinates the Institute's Risk Management Program;
- Serves as "change agent" to facilitate changes affecting the Institute;
- Serves as the IC A-76 coordinator.
- Serves as IC NBS liaison.
Subject Matter Expert Contact List
Name | Title | Phone | Areas of Responsibility |
Gloria Dabbondanza | Chief | (301) 827-4074 |
Alex Colorado | Management Analyst | (301) 827-2374 |
Allison Adams | Management Analyst | (301) 480-7497 |
Maggie Stevenson | Management Analyst | (301) 443-9663 |
Jane Ting | Management Analyst | (301) 443-4577 |
Mari Garcia-Gomez | Management Analyst | (301) 827-8008 |