Just-in-time refers to information that NIH requests after an application has been peer reviewed and is within a range of possible funding. Receiving a just-in-time request does not guarantee or indicate in any way whether an applicant will get an award.
In April 2012, NIH updated the Just-in-Time (JIT) procedures and revised the business process for submitting JIT information. For background and details on Just-in-time, please see NIH Notice NOT-OD-12-101 “Notice of Requirement for Electronic Submission of Just-in-Time Information and Related Business Process Changes Beginning April 20, 2012.”
- Beginning April 20, 2012, applications receiving an impact score of 40 or less will receive a standard notice and request for submitting JIT information. Notices will be sent via e-mail from NIH eRA Commons to the Project Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) two weeks after release of the impact score indicating the importance of beginning the JIT process, particularly the need to obtain any necessary IRB and IACUC approvals.
- Applicants are now required to submit JIT information using the JIT feature of eRA Commons at least 60 days before the applicant’s proposed start date.
- For all applications, the eRA Commons JIT link will be opened and available for submission of JIT information within 24 hours after the impact score has been released.
REMINDER: JIT requirements for all applications:
- Current Other Support: Provide active and pending other support information for all individuals designated in an application as senior/key personnel–those devoting measurable effort to a project. Other support includes all financial resources, whether Federal, non-Federal, commercial or institutional, available in direct support of an individual's research endeavors, including but not limited to research grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, and/or institutional awards. Training awards, prizes or gifts are not included. Sample format pages are available at https://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding//phs398/othersupport.doc.
- Note that effort devoted to projects must be measured in person-months.
- For all senior/key personnel, provide details on how you would adjust any budgetary, scientific, or effort overlap if this application is funded.
- Changes in Personnel since the application was submitted: include any to-be-named positions that have been filled.
- Summary Statement Concerns: Detailed responses to all concerns in the summary statement (animal concerns, human subjects concerns, Including minority, children inclusion, and others) must include proposed changes to address the reviewers' concerns.
- Certifications:
- IACUC Approval Date: If the proposed project involves research using live vertebrate animals, the verification date of IACUC approval along with any IACUC-imposed changes must be submitted. Pending or out-of-date approvals are not acceptable.
- IRB Approval Date: If the proposed project involves human subjects research, the certification date of IRB review and approval must be submitted. Pending or out-of-date approvals are not acceptable.
- Human Subjects Education: If the proposed project involves human subjects research, certification that any person identified as senior/key personnel involved in human subjects research has completed an education program in the protection of human subjects must be submitted. Information regarding this requirement can be found at the following website: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/hs/training.htm and a free tutorial can be found at https://phrp.nihtraining.com/users/login.php
In addition to the items above, Career (K) applicants are to include the following:
- Institutional Base Salary for principal investigator
- Information on all active support for the candidate, sponsor(s), co-sponsor(s), and Key Personnel (see details above on other support)
- Address the reviewers’ concerns in the Summary Statement.
In addition to the items above, Fellowship (F) applicants are to include the following:
- The last four digits of the applicant’s Social Security Number for verification purposes.
- Confirmation of whom the fellow’s sponsor is
- Will any foreign sites be involved? If yes, please name them.
- Confirmation of any other NRSA support to date (e.g. NIH fellowships or appointments to NIH-funded institutional training grants).
- Confirmation from the sponsoring institution's business office of the cost of tuition and fees requested on the Checklist Page of the application.
- IRB/IACUC verification statement/letter with approval date that identifies the applicant. This documentation must show that the IRB/ IACUC has reviewed the application for concurrence with all related protocols.
- Address the reviewers’ concerns in the Summary Statement.
- Notarized statement of Permanent U.S. Residency. Additional details can be found in the NIH Grants Policy Statement, Section Citizenship: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/nihgps/HTML5/section_11/11.2.2_eligibility.htm#Citizens (this is only required if the applicant is listed as a Permanent Resident)
This information must be submitted using the Just-In-Time feature of the NIH Commons found in the Commons Status section.