Review recent substance use and addiction resources, toolkits, courses, and more for addiction medicine specialists.

- About the Addiction Medicine Subspecialty – Information about the Addiction Medicine (ADM) subspecialty, its importance, and a career in the ADM field.
- Addiction Medicine Toolkit for Health Care Providers in Training – A toolkit of information, resources, and trainings for ADM fellows as they enter their fellowship programs and begin their journey towards becoming ADM-certified.
- Addiction Medicine Live and Online CMEs – American Society of Addiction Medicine
- Addressing Adolescent Substance Use: How to Recognize, Screen, and Communicate course – American Society of Addiction Medicine
- ACP Center for Quality: Chronic Pain and Safe Opioid Prescribing – American College of Physicians
More Resources
- Visit the NIDAMED homepage for additional CME courses, patient materials, and information on the opioid crisis, screening, prevention, and treatment.